how do i
hacv to hit the litlte bricks wiht letters
who thoght of this
ah i see
Clever, father. Clever.
If this is your way of restraining me as you insisted, I´m not sure if I´m enthusiastic about it. This cottage is...small to say the least, and it´s ...plain. And the supply of milk for my bath was ridiculous. I had to fill it by myself too, where are my servants? Where is the pet monkey dear Cesare brought me from the dark continent? It was a present, you had no right to take it. Where are my musicians, dancers, and my dear brothers? A bath is no fun if there is no-one to hold court with...and you now how I get when I´m bored.
When I find out you ate my pet monkey, I will have to poison you, papa.
OOC: Mello feels royal and wicked today, for he is Renaissance ho and temptress
Lucrezia Borgia! And she figured out how to use the computer all by herself, too! :D