Brain Cells and Free Cell

Dec 18, 2010 23:21

Title: Brain Cells and Free Cell
Rating: PG (There's one curse word)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, FInn
Genre: Crack
Warning: Nope!
Spoilers: 2x09, just to be safe!
Disclaimer: Do not own!
Author Notes: This is part of my video game series.
Summary: An old game but a fun one all the same!
Word Count: 410

“Hey Kurt.”

“Hello Finn.”

“Is he still playing Free Cell?”

“Yes. He’s trying to complete the game in under two minutes.”

“How close is he?”

“His best time is a minute and fourteen seconds.”

“How long has he been playing?”

“I lost track after two hours.”

“That’s a really long time.”

“Yes. I’m quite surprised that his brain hasn’t exploded yet.”

“Thanks babe.”

“Ah. I didn’t know you could play and listen.”

“Ya know, you’re not hot when you’re being a smart ass.”


“Shut up.”

“Love you too.”

“Right. So, you any closer to beating two minutes?”

“No. Quickest time is still one fourteen. Not giving up though.”

“Out of all the games to get addicted to, I love how Noah gets addicted to Free Cell.”

“It’s a fun game.”

“Not really.”

“I’m with Finn. It’s a giant headache most of the time.”

“You guys just don’t have the patience or brain power to beat this game.”

“I have better things to do with my time then play pointless card games Noah.”

“Like what?”

“Well, normally I’d be with my boyfriend, but since he’s playing Free Cell, Finn, would you like to go to the mall?”

“Uh. No offense but last time I went to the mall with you, you made me try on like a thousand outfits that weren’t really me.”

“You looked good in them though. Rachel agreed.”

“What? Rachel wasn’t even with us.”

“It’s called a camera phone Finn.”

“Is that why you were taking pictures?”

“Yes. Finn, that’s why I was taking pictures of you.”

“Oh. Doesn’t matter now seeing as I’m not with Rachel anymore.”

“Good point.”


“He seems really happy.”

“Well, he has spent the last two hours playing.”

“So, now is he gonna try to get it in under a minute?”

“Not if I have anything to say about it. Noah?”

“Yeah babe?”

“Stop dancing, please.”

“But I finally beat it in under two minutes!”

“Yes but you can’t really dance.”

“I beg to differ. I am in the Glee club.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can dance. Finn’s in the Glee club and he can’t dance.”

“Hey! When did I get pulled into this?”

“Sorry Finn but admit it, you aren’t the best dancer.”


“See Noah? Now, stop dancing and go to the mall with me.”


“Bye Finn.”

“Yeah, bye dude.”

“Have fun.”

“Dude! How long have we had minesweeper?”

A/N: So, I'm looking for more video games to write about. If you have any games that you're addicted to or think is just a fun game, let me know and I'll check it out! Thanks!

title: b, character: finn hudson, character: kurt hummel, pairing: kurt/puck, glee, video games, character: puck

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