Title: Olive
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Just pure fluff
Spoilers: Nope!
Disclaimer: Don't own them or the song.
Author Notes: So, totally based off of
this song by davedays ft. Kimmi Smiles. It's a cute song and yeah.
Summary: They were just three words. Three simple words.
Word Count: 175
They were just three words. Three simple words and why in the hell couldn’t Noah say them to his boyfriend. He and Kurt had been dating for four months and Noah did care about Kurt a lot, but he couldn’t say those three words.
I love you.
They were so easy to say in his head. So why couldn’t he say them out loud? All he had to do was look at Kurt and say them.
I love you.
Nope, still just in his head.
“I hate olives.”
Noah looked up from his plate to tilt his head at Kurt. “What?”
“I hate olives and I wish I had noticed that they were on the sandwiches.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Wait. Kurt didn’t hate olives. Noah knew that for a fact because Kurt always put them on his salad. So… Kurt wanted to point something out with the olives. Huh… Olives. That’s when it hit him. A way to say those three words without actually saying them! “Hey Kurt, olive you.”
Kurt smiled. “Olive you too.”