Like A Feather

Aug 20, 2010 23:26

Title: Like A Feather
Rating: PG-13, see Warning
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck
Genre: Angst
Warning: Child Abuse!
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don't own, which is probably a good thing.
Author Notes: I think I enjoy being mean to Puck. I love him, I do, but he hurts so well. Also, this was supposed to be a drabble but we see how well that one worked out...
Summary: He can feel them on him. He knows that they aren't there but he can feel them.
Word Count: 868

He can feel them on him. He knows that they aren’t there but he can feel them. He can feel them crawling on his foot, up his leg, up his back and he knows they aren’t there but yet, he feels them. Just like when he was younger but back then, they were real.


”Noah, come here.”

The six year old watched as his father held up a jar. In it was a small spider that was trying to climb out. Noah watched as his father brought the jar down so it was eye level with Noah.

“Do you want to hold him Noah?”

He nodded his head and held his hand out for the jar. Instead of giving him the jar though, his father unscrewed the top and flipped the jar so that the spider was now sitting on Noah’s hand.

Noah tried to pull away but his father just grabbed his wrist so he couldn’t move it. His father pulled the jar away and watched as the spider crawled around on Noah’s palm.

“If you kill it or lose it, nothing good will happen to you.”

With that, Noah’s father let go of his wrist and the spider started crawling up his arm. Noah felt himself shaking. He hated the way it felt like a feather as it crawled over him.

The spider stopped just shy of his elbow and Noah felt a sting on his arm, like he had been pinched. He slapped the spider off of his arm and pulled it to his chest. His father scowled at him.

“I told you not to lose it.”

Noah looked down at his feet as his father raised his hand to slap the young boy. He slapped him a total of ten times. Then he brought another jar out and repeated the process. There were five jars and Noah had gotten slapped fifty times. He had the marks to prove it along with the five bites that cause them.


He was on his bed when he saw it. The spider crawled along his window ledge and Noah froze. He could feel the legs crawling up his arm. Feel it moving from his arm to his shoulder and down his back. He could feel it but he didn’t dare flick it away because if he did his father would slap him. So, he lay in bed, staring at the spider, shaking from the terror he felt even though there were no real spiders on him.

Kurt could feel Noah shaking and he looked up to see that most of the color had drained from Noah’s face. “Noah, are you okay?”

“I can feel them.” He didn’t meet Kurt’s eyes. He just kept staring at the spider. “I can feel them crawling all over my skin. I can’t get rid of them or he’ll hit me and I don’t want him to hit me.”

Kurt sat up so that he was eye level with Noah. “What’s on you and who will hit you?”

Noah finally meets Kurt’s eyes but only for a second before they flash back to the spider. Kurt follows Noah’s line of vision and sees the spider. Without saying anything, Kurt stands and walks over to the spider. He pick’s Noah shoe up, because there was no way he was risking his shoe, and brought it down on the spider, promptly killing it.

“NO!” Kurt quickly turned around to see Noah curl up in a ball. “I killed it. He’s going to hit me. He always hits me. Every time he hits me.”

Kurt puts the shoe down and slowly makes his way back to the bed. He holds his hands up, to show that he came in peace, but Noah still flinched when Kurt placed a hand on Noah’s knee. “You didn’t kill it.” Noah shakes his head. “You didn’t kill it and I won’t let him hit you.”

“He always hits me. For every bite I get ten slaps. Five bites every time; once every month; fifty slaps a month. Please don’t let him hit me anymore mom. It hurts and I can still feel them, can still feel them crawling up my arm, like a feather. Please daddy, please stop.”

Kurt is speechless as he continues to listen to Noah’s ramblings. All he can think to do is pull Noah close to him and just hold him until he’s calm again. He listens to Noah’s ramblings and gets an idea. He pulls away from Noah just enough to be able to look at the other’s face. “Noah?” Noah looks up at Kurt but continues to ramble. “Noah, calm down.” Noah stops talking but is still shaking. “Okay, you said for every bite he gave you ten slaps?” Noah nodded. “Then for every bite, I’ll give you ten kisses.”

Kurt knows it’s not his greatest idea but he really just wants Noah to calm down and see that everything is all right, not that it ever will be. Kurt just knows that he’ll be there for Noah, whenever he sees a spider. Kurt doesn’t know how hit Noah, but he knows that no one will ever hit him again.

character: kurt hummel, title: l, pairing: kurt/puck, glee, rating: pg-13, character: puck's dad, character: puck

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