I Will End This (Less angsty version)

Jul 09, 2010 16:12

Title: I Will End This (Less angsty version)
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Genre: Angst
Warning: mentions of suicide
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Do not own, which is probably a good thing
Author Notes: sequel to It Should Have Been Me because people wanted it. And me being me, I wrote an angsty version and a less angsty version.
Summary: The title kinda says it all
Word Count: 396

He sounded so weak.

and it’s all because of you

I need to make it better

so, make it you


you almost took his life, so take yours


No one will miss you


Will be better off with you gone


won’t need to worry about whether or not her son will get another girl pregnant

They wont miss me?

No, they wont. No one will

They’d be better off without me

If you really loved them, you’d get out of their lives

I can’t

Fine. Go back to Kurt. Just don’t be surprised when all you see in his eyes is hate


Or, maybe he’ll look at you with nothing but love because he thinks you saved him


But how will you be able to look at him knowing you’re lying to him about what happened?

I couldn’t

Then why try? Why go back to the hospital? Go home and end this

I need to end this

Yes. Go home and into your father’s old closet

I will end this

Good boy. Hurry Home


I need to end this

And your out is in your father’s old closet.

Where mom keeps dad’s gun?

Yes. Your father finally did something right

It’s cold

But perfect for what you need

It’ll hurt

No. Do it right and you wont feel a thing

I’m scared

I’m sure Kurt was too when he saw the tree


Will be better off with you gone

I’ll end it to make Kurt’s life better

Point the gun at your temple

I need to end this

Pull the trigger

I have to end this.

Pull the trigger

I can’t

Think of how you hurt Kurt. His life will be better without you

I need to do this



Ignore her and pull the trigger

“Noah, what are you doing?”

“I need to end this.”

“No baby. Not like this.”

Kurt needs you to end this

“I need to end this for Kurt.”

“He wouldn’t want it to end like this.”

“Mom, I’m scared.”

“I know baby but I’m here. I’m here.”

Push her away and pull the trigger

“I need help.”

You need to end this!

“We’ll get you help. I promise.”

You don’t deserve help. You hurt Kurt on purpose! You deserve to die

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay baby. Everything will be okay.”

Author's Note:
Angsty Version

character: kurt hummel, type: angst, pairing: kurt/puck, glee, rating: pg-13, character: puck

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