Boredom + Fun = Glee!

Apr 16, 2010 01:15

Okay, so, the reason for this post is because I was bored, waiting for the stupid bus and I learned how to do the snapshot feature on VLC and yeah. Boredom + Fun new thing = This! So yeah, injoy!

Although, I should tell you, it's my take on Tuesday's Glee after re-watching it. It's kinda picture heavy and for that I apologize but like I said, I learned how to use the snapshot feature! :D

Is it sad that I don’t think they have proved that the club has purpose? I mean, they beat a school for deaf kids and a school for the juvie girls…

This scene just made me laugh. She’s a really overbearing girlfriend and whatnot.
But Finn is still in love with Quinn, who for some strange reason is dating Puck.

So, my roommates and I were watching this and when this scene came on our faces went from =/ to O.O It was so awkward. But I’m glad Sue is back!

Emma is adorable! She is my favorite “teacher” on the show! I just want her to be happy!

This scene Finn delievers one of my favorite lines: "I think I'm dating Rachel. At least, she sure thinks I am.”
So, did Finn not know that he was dating Rachel? If so, I find it creepy and very strange if Rachel just assumed she was dating Finn now...
Plus, this was my favorite song of the episode. Not to mention, Finn looked really good during it!

How dare you break up with her Finn! How dare you try to figure out who you are! Sorry, I’m not a big Rachel fan. But I think it was a tad bit of an over reaction. But what do I know.

Not a fan of this song… The All American Rejects fan in me is yelling to skip over this cover. I mean, it isn’t bad, per say, I’m just not a fan. However, Mike’s dancing during it made me smile like crazy! But that’s cause Mike is my favorite character now and Harry my favorite actor! I also find myself wanting Mike to end up with Kurt… not sure why but I kinda want it to happen. This so ruins the PucKurt fan in me.

You know what I’ve realized? All it takes is for a guy to sing for Rachel to fall for them. I mean, you only really see her go gaga over Finn once he’s started singing. Not sure about Puck though. He might be the exception to my made up rule here. Will sings with her and suddenly this crazy crush happens. Jesse sings with her and all of a sudden he’s the one. I mean, this seams insane and if it’s the case, I think I’ve lost a little bit more respect for her. The only guys she didn’t fall for while they were singing were Kurt and Artie. Anyone else agree?

Also, Jesse has a really nice voice. I quite like it. So I’m looking forward to hearing him sing more… hopefully without Rachel every time. I mean, I’m sorry guys but I’m so sick of her voice.

This is a fun date! It’s kinda awkward in my opinion but that’s just me. And my favorite quote!

Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?”

They’re so cute! I love Will and Emma when they’re like this. It’s a shame about the song though. =/

Oh Finn! I was so proud of you going out and trying to find yourself? Now you want Rachel back! There is such thing as life without a significant other! Also, I love how Rachel is already saying that her and Jesse are in love. Didn’t they just meet?

This was a fun song. It’s the first Vocal Adrenaline song I’ve actually liked. I love Idina! She’s amazing and I hope she sings! And then the face! It’s so awkward and I couldn’t help but think there’s something wrong with him but then again, I think that was the point.

MAN WHORE! The words of my roomie. My sweet innocent roomie who is really really innocent! The rest of us had to agree with her though. We were not impressed and I have lost some respect for you Will! Maybe Will doesn’t know how to play the faithful husband/boyfriend. He’s doomed to be the cheater. So sad.

So… she’s in love. How are they in love? I have the same comment as above. Also, I’m not sure how much I support their argument but yeah. I mean, I get what they’re saying and I’d be on their side but something about it just doesn’t feel right to me.

Sue makes me laugh during this scene. I feel slightly bad though for laughing at them but I just can’t help it. And I love Sue just building Rachel’s ego, it’s oh so helpful

I feel kinda bad for Terri here. I mean, I’m not on her side but I feel sorry for her. The women she lost her husband too is in her house, getting ready to eat with said husband. And then the whole song thing, made me a little sad for Emma and Terri is evil, but I don’t mind!

Life or Death? Again! Am I the only one who thinks they can’t be in love because they JUST MEET! This fact annoys me greatly and will continue to annoy me all season! >.<

Hehehe! Everyone was right! I should feel bad for Rachel, and I do, but, I kinda think she deserves it. Is that bad?

This was sad! I want a happy Emma! She deserves to be happy! Also, during this scene, one of my roommates made a comment about how she didn’t think Emma blinked… So, of course, that was all I could focus on and she really doesn’t blink all that much and when she does, she blinks a lot at once.

LIAR! Bad Rachel! Bad bad Rachel! Also, poor Finn. And no, you need to fix more then just you and Rachel. You need to focus on you. Sigh… AND Rachel shoots him down! I’d say that Finn should really pick up on that Rachel was all about them being together until after Jesse but he hasn’t proven to be the smartest guy around.

Two words: SKINNY TIES! I love them so! They are great and all our guys look good in them! Right, the song and scene. It was a good cover but I still prefer the Beatles version but that’s only because I grew up on the Beatles so, my vote goes to them over anyone else, sorry. The scene was sad though because of the whole Emma/Will thing and then Rachel running off because, I assume, she feels guilty, as she should be.


And the moral of the story? Boredom is a bad thing and VLC is so cool with it’s snapshot thing! So cool! This is what happens when I find new things! ^_^

Huh, and on a side note, a smiley face counts as a word… And Ellipsis count as a word too! Wow, I just found something new! What things count as words on Word? This should be good! :D

type: show review, type: random, glee

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