Title: Look, a car!
Author: mello_bello_91
Rating: G
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Takes place after the Season 4 finale
Warnings: This is pure crakc!Fic.
Word Count: 297
Summary: Dean's impala is blown up.
Author's note: I wrote this because of a comment made by
loving_legolas on one of my stories! Enjoy!
Dean felt like he wanted to die. His baby had been totaled! A stupid demon had decided that it would be funny to blow up the Impala. BLOW UP the Impala. His poor, Impala, it had done nothing wrong! All that was left of it was a few random parts. And then, on top of that, Castiel was back in Heaven on punishment for God only knows what this time. Stupid Zachariah just needed to leave Castiel alone. So now, Dean was sitting in his motel room, moping because his baby, and his angel were gone. Dean just couldn't win lately!
After about an hour or so of moping, Dean heard a car horn. He bolted up right with a look of confusion and shock on his face. There, sitting in the middle of the motel room, where the couch and tv use to be, was Dean's Impala! In the passenger seat sat Castiel, a big dorky smile on his face as he waved to Dean. Zachariah sat in the drivers seat, with a look of indifference on his face. Both angels got out of the car and Castiel ran over to Dean and pulled him into a really tight hug.
"Dean Winchester," Zachariah was now in front of Dean, hand extended for a hand shake. "Consider these two things a gift, for helping with the Apocalypse and Lucifer, just, don't get use to getting gifts...it wont happen again."
Dean shook Zachariah's out stretched hand, not able to say anything. Zachariah disappeared, leaving Dean, Castiel, and the Impala in the motel room.
Dean smiled, he had two of his favorite things back with him, his angel, and his baby...There was just one small problem, "Hey, Cas, how do we get the car out of the motel room?"