
Oct 21, 2009 13:19

Title: Shuffle
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck,
Rating: G - PG-13
Spoilers: up to episode 6, just to be safe
Summary: itunes + writer's block = 10 drabbles!

1.Ungodly Hour - The Fray

You love looking at his eyes. It’s a totally sappy thing, but you love how he says one thing but his eyes tell you a whole other story. Even when he’s asleep, his eyes tell you what he’s thinking of. Which is why you’re up at three in the morning, just watching him sleep. You kiss each of his closed eyes, and move closer to him. His eyes are one of your favorite thing about him, because whether they are open or closed, they show you nothing but love and comfort.

2.If You Were Gay - Avenue Q

“It won’t effect our friendship.” Finn isn’t looking at you, instead, he’s looking at his feet. “If you like Kurt.”

“I’m not gay.” You just stare at him. “I don’t like Hummel.”

He holds his hands out in front of him. “I’m just saying, that if you do like him, I wont judge you.”

“I don’t like him.” You say through gritted teeth.

“Okay.” He stands up and starts to walk away. You sigh as he turns around at the door. “Just so you know, Kurt likes you too, but since you’re not gay…”

3.Love, Hate, Love. - Alice in Chains

He tells you he loves you, and all you can do is tell him that he should leave you while he has the chance. He just shakes his head and moves closer to you.

A week, you’ve got him pinned to his bed, as he moans underneath you. You’re pushing into him with no mercy, not caring how much you hurt him. He has a pained look on his face, you can hear his pained cries mixed in with the moans. You don’t stop or go slower, you just continue with what you were doing. You growl as you feel your release. You lean down so that your mouth is right by his ear. “I told you to leave while you had the chance, because, now you’re mine.” He moans as you lick his ear. He should have ran when he had the chance because now you’re never letting him leave.

4.Plane - Jason Mraz

You watch him as he leaves, tears threatening to fall. He doesn’t look back, doesn’t even hesitate as he leaves the room. You want to scream. You need him, he made you a better person. He gave you hope of a bright future, of finally being happy. Then it crashed. You use to feel like you were flying, now you feel like you’re falling. You run after him, you think he hope he hasn’t left school grounds yet. You almost break when you find him crying a few feet from the room you just ran out of. You pull him close to you, running a hand down his back. You feel your tears falling now, “Baby, I want this, even if it is meant to crash and burn.” He nods and rests his head on your chest.

5.Maybe This Time - Glee Cast

You’re use to not getting what you want, and you’re use to not being happy. You’re use to being disappointed. Then you ask Kurt out and he says yes. At first you don’t say anything, you just stare at him. Then, you smile because you realized he said yes. Now, every time you hold his hand, and every time you press your lips to his, you think, maybe this time, I wont be disappointed, and I’ll get what I want.

6.I Can’t Be Your Friend - D.H.T.

“I can’t do this anymore.” You look up at Kurt when he tells you this.

“Do what?” You just look at him, a confused look on your face.

“I can’t be your friend anymore.” You’re still confused. The two of you had just started being friends, why would he want to end it now, you were enjoying being his friend.

“Wanna tell me why?”

“I like you too much to be Just friends.” You swear he looks almost sad when he says this, like he’s ashamed to like you.

You can’t help but smile at him, “Then I say we become more than friends.” You laugh as his eyes go wide. “Well, I don’t like the idea of not being your friend, besides, you’re cute.”

“You’re willing to,” He pauses, you assume to clear his thoughts. “be more than friends?”

“Yeah.” You get out of your chair and move so that you’re closer to him. “You’d be the cutest girlfriend I’ve ever had.”

He smiles at that. “What makes you think I’d be the girl?”

7.Top of The World - The All American Rejects

You’re waiting for this to break. You keep pushing him, waiting for everything to end, like you know it will. You know that you’re not suppose to be this happy for this long so, you push him until you’re sure he’s about to break. He just takes a deep breath and tells you to stop trying make this fail. He says that if you want to break up, then just tell him. You don’t want to break up with him. You just expect it all to end, and to badly, because with him you feel like you could do anything, which will eventually lead to your demise, which means you lose him. Every time you push him to a breaking point, he just sighs and tells you to knock it off, then he grabs your hand and leads you back to the top of the world.

8.Everything I Ask For - The Maine

You love your music. The beat, the lyrics, the meaning behind the music. You love your music. Kurt hates your music. He thinks it’s just load noise, with no real point other than to hurt his ears. You explain it to him every time he complains, but he still doesn’t understand it.

Kurt likes his music. The rhythm, the lyrics, the sound of it in general. He loves his music. You hate his music. You think it’s pointless and way too slow or boring. He explains it to you every time you complain, but you still don’t understand it.

You like Kurt, despite his bad taste in music and he likes you, despite your bad taste in music. He’s perfect for you, and you’re perfect for him. You’re lucky you have him, and he never lets you forget. He’s lucky he has you, and you never let him forget.

9.Heaven - Angels & Airwaves

You hear the music as you move in and out of Kurt. You time your thrusts along with the beat, and you hum as you press your lips to his. It’s the best thing you’ve ever felt and you don’t want it to end. You think you’re in heaven. You’re dad once told you that if you were to lay with another male, you’d be damned for all eternity and put to death. You were young at the time and just looked at him with big eyes, afraid of dying. If you had been older, or if you’re dad had still been around, you would introduce him to Kurt, your boyfriend. You’d tell him that hell, sure feels like Heaven, and you don’t plan on ever letting hell go.

10.Escape - Hoobastank

All your life you’ve been told what to do and frankly, you’re sick of it. For once, you want to do what you want to do, and right now, you want to kiss Kurt Hummel, so you do. He doesn’t react, so you pull away, a smirk on your face. You walk away from him because you want to. You stop when he calls your name, and turn around when he taps your shoulder. You kiss him back when he kisses you. You’ve decided that doing what you want is a lot better then doing what others tell you to do. Everyone would tell you not to like Kurt, to like Santana or Quinn, or even Rachel, but you want to like Kurt, so you do. All you really want is to live your own life, away from those who tell you what to do. So, when Kurt takes your hand and leads you to your truck, you follow him, because he’s leading you to a place of just the two of you. He’s helping you to escape this world and go to a better one.

character: kurt hummel, second person, rating: g/pg-13, type: shuffle, glee, pairing: kurt/puck, character: puck, title: s

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