Moments Like These

Oct 15, 2009 12:53

Title: Moments Like These
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG
Spoilers: up to episode 6, just to be safe
Summary: Written for the Glee Prompt Meme

You love playing guitar. It’s the only time you can be yourself. Which is why you get to glee practice early everyday. It gives you time to just play and be yourself. You’ve been coming early to practice for over a month now, and you don’t plan on stopping.

Today you decided to play Fallen Soldier by God or Julie. It’s a great song, a tad bit sad, but every great singer should be able to sing sad and happy songs. Besides, you’re life wasn’t exactly going too great right now. Quinn blamed you for the whole baby thing, and claimed no fault of her own. The only reason you slept with her was because you were sick of seeing Kurt stare at Finn, and you knew that Quinn was sick of seeing Finn stare at Rachel. You were both upset and needed an outlet. So, you both got drunk and had sex. Not the smartest thing to do, but it got your minds off of the fact that you could never have the ones you really wanted.

You try to forget everything as you start to play. You just focus on the sound and lyrics as you sing them. This is how the world should be. Peaceful, where everything can flow as one, no mess ups, no mistakes. Just peaceful music.

You focus on the good things in your life right now. You’re enjoying being in glee. Everyone there has become your friend, even if you use to make their lives miserable. They don’t judge you, they even accepted Quinn, after they found out she was pregnant. Not to mention that the football team is winning now. So, maybe your life isn’t that bad. You finish the song, with a smile.

You look at your watch, five minutes until glee practice started. You start to put up your guitar. “Please don’t stop playing.” The voice makes you jumps. You turn to see Kurt Hummel standing in the doorway.

He looks sad, so you pull your guitar back out. “You got a song you want me to play?”

“Do you know anything from Wicked?” He’s looking down at his shoes.

“Yeah, and I’ll play it if you come sit down across from me.” You smile as he walks over to the chair and sits down. Your smile grows.

You move your chair closer to his, taking a deep breath you start playing I’m not That Girl. You chance a look at Kurt. He’s sitting in his chair, staring at your hands as you play. He doesn’t question why you know this song, or make fun of you for knowing the song. He raises his eyes to meet yours. You sit like that until you finish the song.

Once the song finishes, you’re still staring at each other. You carefully place your guitar in the case, still looking at Kurt. You move your chair closer to him, until you’re knees is touching his. You smile as you move your face closer to his, stopping when your lips are less than an inch from his. He moves the rest of the way. The kiss is soft, caring, almost loving. You smile as you pull away from him. His smile matching yours.

“I like you when you’re like this.” Kurt places a hand on your cheek. “Although, I like you no matter how you act.”

You smile and turn your head so that you can kiss his palm. “Feelings mutual.”

character: kurt hummel, rating: pg, second person, pairing: kurt/puck, glee, character: puck, title: m

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