Big Brothers Always Know

Aug 17, 2009 12:42

Title: Big Brothers Always Know
Fandom: Deadliest Catch
Rating: G
Warnings: The only thing I can think of is the fact that it's slash...
Pairing: Edgar/Jake A.
Disclaimer: None of this is real, it is just a work of fiction and doesn't portray anything that has happened in real life.
Summary: After being apart for so long, Jake and Edgar reunite
A/N: Um, the three space gaps represent changes in povs. enjoy!

After one helluva season, they were finally done. After crazy waves, multiple maydays, and a hit at home, the crew of the Northwestern was finally home. As the boat pulled into the dock, the crew could see their families, but Edgar Hansen wasn't looking at his family, he was looking at the person standing with Sig's wife, Jake Anderson.

Jake wasn't sure why he was here, well, he knew why, he just didn't want to admit it. Jake was looking at his feet when he heard someone say, "Look, they're home!" Jake looked up, his eyes going immediately to the youngest Hansen.

Edgar couldn't take his eyes off of Jake, he had missed the kid like crazy. He didn't know if Jake was going to be here or not but, he was happy that Jake had decided to come.

"I'm not surprised." Sig was standing behind his little brother, a smile on his face as he waved to his wife.

"Bout what?" Edgar knew what Sig was talking about, he just didn't want to admit anything to his older brother.

"Jake, kid looks up to you, not to mention, the kids got it bad for you." The boat was parked and tied to the dock, the other deckhands climbing off the boat. Sig and Edgar walking slowly after them, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation. "I also know that you're just as crazy for the kid as he is for you."

Edgar just smiled and climbed off the boat, pulling his wife into a hug as soon as he was close to her, Sig did the same with his wife.

Jake was glad that they had all made it back safe, they were his second family. Jake was first greeted by Nick, who hugged him, and asked if he was okay. Jake nodded and said that he was fine. Nick returned the nod and returned to his family. Sig came next; he extended a hand, which Jake took with a smile on his face. The captain would never show he was human by hugging anyone other than family. Sig didn't ask Jake if he was okay, he didn't need to, Jake could see the question in Sig's eyes, so Jake just nodded. Sig returned to his family. Matt and Norman did the same thing as Nick, a quick hug, followed by the question of "Are you okay." Jake would always nod and return the hug. Edgar was last; Jake looked down at his feet, he was nervous to see Edgar.

"Hey Junior." Edgar wasn't looking at Jake either, "How ya been?"

Jake chanced a glance up at Edgar, "Fine, glad you're home."

"Yeah, me too." Edgar smiled as he meet Jake's gaze.

Edgar didn't understand why he was so nervous, he was acting like a high school girl who just found out her crush liked her back. Edgar sighed, he was no wimp, so he took a step towards Jake and pulled the youngest deckhand into a hug.

Jake hadn't realized how tense he was till he felt himself relax in Edgar's grip. Jake wrapped his arms around the youngest Hansen, holding on to Edgar like his life depended on it. Jake was acting like a high school boy who had just asked out his crush and she had said yes.

Neither deckhand had realized how long they had been hugging until they heard a throat clear. Sig was standing a few feet from them, "Hey guys, how about you help me finish cleaning."

Edgar and Jake exchanged glances as they awkwardly pulled about, they both shrugged and followed Sig back on the boat. Sig led them into the wheelhouse, "Okay, I'll give you two some privacy as you eat each other's faces." With a smile, Sig left the two confused deckhands alone.

Edgar wasn't sure if he liked what Sig did, sure he was now alone with Jake, which he had wanted since the kid had joined the crew, but now, Sig's timing always was bad.

Jake was nervous, sure he wanted to be alone with Edgar, but that didn't mean he had any idea what to do once they were alone. Well, he knew what he wanted to do, just not what Edgar wanted to do. Jake smiled, and looked down at his feet.

"You look at your feet a lot." Edgar's voice surprised Jake.

"Yeah, I guess I do." Jake looked up at Edgar, "Nervous habit."

A smile crept onto Edgar's face, "I make you nervous?"

"NO!" Jake answered way too quickly.

"huh." Edgar closed the distance between himself and Jake, placing his hand under Jake's chin.

Jake couldn't breath, he couldn't think, he couldn't stop himself when he leaned forward and place his lips on Edgar's.

Edgar was taken aback when he felt Jake's lips on his. It was over way too fast for Edgar's liking though. Within a few seconds, Jake's face was moving away from Edgar, eyes downcast. Edgar just smiled and closed the distance once again, pressing wanting lips to Jake's. "Missed you like crazy." The words were spoken against Edgar's lips. Edgar smiled, as Jake pressed his lips to Edgar's again, "Missed you too Junior."

title: b, character: jake anderson, thrid person, pairing: edgar/jake, deadliest catch, rating: g, character: edgar hansen

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