Day 07 - Favourite game couple
There are many different couples i can think to put here, though i decided to pick Sora and Kairi since it's the one i'm currently most into (but that changes frequently). It's not surprising that i like them together. i am the type of person whose automatically drawn toward canon couples first. Or at least couples that have many hints/good chemistry. If i start liking non-canon couples in a series, it's usually later on.
Day 08 - Best soundtrack
Okay. my favourite instrument are violins. and the Lamento soundtrack features many song with them. so naturally, i very much love this album! I'm thankful for how much love the Japanese put into games and animes. i guess part of it's because these things are such a big part of their culture over there, but idk, you don't see videogames and cartoons in america using famous composers for their series as much (if at all?).
in unrelated news, computer has been doing some very wonky (tho harmless) things. i need to probably do a virus sweep..