A few days ago you got the boring back update, and I just realized that I completely forgot about, like, the worst thing ever!
I have lost three quarters of an inch of height. That's almost an entire inch. In fact, I used to round up from 5'10 3/4" to 5'11", and when I got measured a few weeks ago for a new leather suit at
Helimot he initially measured me at 5'9 3/4". Five nine! That's not even tall anymore, that's just average!
I demanded to be remeasured. I was just barely topping out at 5'10". I still am demanding to be remeasured in an alternative, neutral location, just to be sure, but still, I was flabbergasted.
Everyone knows that most people tend to shrink as they get older, from disc and bone degeneration, poor posture, and god knows what else. I have simply sped up the disc degeneration, and even had a bunch of troublesome disc material surgically removed. That made me shorter in a hurry.
At least I am still 5'10".