Jul 31, 2007 13:09
Okay, so obviously it's been a while...where do I start...
Everything for the wedding is nice and set, so I'm breathing pretty easy on that front. My dad got us a room at a Westin on the North Side of Chicago for Sunday and Monday night, so we will have a short, yet very relaxing honeymoon. Who knows, maybe we'll go somewhere for a little bit longer next summer.
In job news, MPS (Milwaukee Public Schools) SUCKS. I called about two weeks ago to ask them a question, and apparently...
"The HR person in charge of your application no longer works here, so we'll have to wait until September and re-evaluate your application. Oh, and unless you work 80 days, no benefits, and those won't even kick in til next year."
Lame. Fucking huge bureacratic excuse for a school system.
Continuing the job news, I had a job interview on Monday to be the music teacher for an intermediate school in Merton, about 20 miles northwest of Milwaukee. I can honestly say, even though this isn't exactly what I planned on doing, I would love working at that school, and could easily see us moving out there once Sam gets done with law school. It's just far enough out of the city to feel like I'm back where I'm used to, but still only a 20 minute drive from Milwaukee. I'll know by Monday, so fingers crossed. The interview felt like it went pretty well, and I was definitely showing all kinds of interest, asking lots of questions and talking about what new ideas I'd be interested in doing if I got hired. Unlike the other two interviews I've had where it was me at a table with 6 other people, this one was just the principal and one of the 5th grade teachers, both of whom seemed like really cool guys.
In other job news, I might be getting a job as an accompanist for the Milwaukee Ballet School. I won't know for a few more weeks, because they're kind of on hiatus now between summer and fall classes, but it seems like something that would be a fun challenge, and definitely unlike anything else I've ever done before.
Oh, and I LOVE our apartment. Pictures will be posted once we get internet (I'm in Green Bay right now), which will be shortly after we return from the honeymoon.