Oct 18, 2019 20:37
The feed is so positive except when it’s negative, but in a reciprocal way. Except people who were married or got pregnant, we don’t (on average) have cool shit to report. Lots of exceptions there. Sure.
There’s so much judgment about saying anything political, no matter what it is or which side you’re on. Free speech and politically correct speech are a thing on watch.
I guess in the end, buckle your shit down. When you find your forever person hold them close! Talk to a financial advisor. If confused, Talk to a mathematician or futures planner. We can figure out the odds humans can continue to populate exponentially without a check.
There aren’t enough resources on this planet to facilitate the exponential growth of organic populations no matter how you swing it, human or not. We have used technology to edify our supremacy over nature. We have thus altered crops, enjoying less outbreaks thanks to biological advances.. but the demands of the creatures on earth’s population will never cease growing. The planet will remain the same. And our influence on genetics? We will never know