Feb 20, 2006 15:54
An update on the status of the Scalera household:
Hehe. Me and my mother are currently waging a war with my sister over whether my brother should take piano lessons, as he is constantly playing the keyboard we have in the basement.
I just find it quite amusing because me and Kelly are both trying to coerce CJ over to "our" side-namely Kelly wants him to do sports and I want him to do music (as does my mother). He really should get a lesson or two, though, so he can actually learn the songs rather then attempting to copy them from the ones that he hears-if only for the sake of my eardrums.
Perhaps I should make this the basis for a fabulous personal narrative!not. Although I quite like the one I am writing now about how when I was little I tried to scrape the green paint off the front door after my mother painted it without my consent. I was a devious child like that.
And on the subject of my brother? We shall win him over in time....dundundun.