bored once again

Apr 03, 2005 20:11

Well im bored again, hannah was here, she left. She helped me with my homework lol thanks!:) then we went for a like 3 mile jog/speed walk/ walk lol, it was quite funn. so im doing anthor survey.. oh yes guess what 5 fucking months from today till i get my license. HELLL YES, i'll be criuseing in my malibu. lol


Full Name: Melissa Marie Hancock

Birthday: Sept. 03, 1989

Place Raised: Hartland, Michigan

Weight: i dont know, and if i did, id deffinatally not post it on here.

Eye Color: Dark green

Hair Color: light brown, with blonde highlights and dark underneath.


Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip

Food: Chicken salad.

Vegetable: Celory

Fruit: starwberrys

Meat: chicken! lol

Candy: sweedish fish

Beverage: propel

Season: Summer!!!

Salad Dressing: italian

Color: Pink and Green!

Thing To Wear: Dark jeans, and a skateboarding shirt

Jewelry To Wear: my tiny plugs

Place To Be: at shows.

To do on Sundays: hang out with hannah

Animal: i dotn have one

Song: hmm i have alot, i cant pick one.

Quote: "Because things change. And friends leave. And life doesnt stop for anybody."


Drank alcohol? Yeah

Done drugs? if a cigarette counts.

Broken the law? yes

Ran away from home? for a few hours

Broken a bone? my toes

Cheated on a test? everytime almost

Skinny-dipped? No

Played strip poker? lol no, but that was at ang-dawgs party

Played Truth Or Dare? Yeah

Flashed someone? not that i remember

Kissed someone you didn't know? nope

Been in a fight? yes

Got hit by a car? no.

Been on a plane? no

Come close to dying? no but i could have from hypothremia.. its a long story

Cheated on your Boy/Girl friend? fuck no, and never.

Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? yeah

Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? yes


Your bedroom like? clean

Your favorite thing for breakfast? i dont eat breakfast

Your favorite thing for lunch? bagel

Your favorite thing for dinner? chicken

Your house like? the inside or outside?


Coke or Pepsi? diet pepsi

Oranges or apples? Oranges

One pillow or two? Two

Pools or hot tubs? Hot tubs

Blondes or brunettes? uhh it doesnt matter.

Tall or short? taller then me

TV or radio? Radio

Bike or Rollerblades? Bike

Dress or Skirt? Skirt

T-shirt or Tank top? T-shirt

Sweet or Dill Pickels? Dill

Chips or Popcorn? Popcorn

Peace/ying yang/smiley face? smiley face :D

Movies or T.V: Movies

Music or Computer: computer

Telephone or T.V: telephone

McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King

Beach or Pool: beach!

Internet or Phone: phone but it depends who im talking too

Swing or Slide: slide


A Vegetarian?: No

A Good Student?: i try but no im not

Good At Sports? i dont know am i good at cheerleading?

A Good Singer? hell no

A good Actor/Actress? i dont know never tryed

A deep sleeper?: yeah

A Good Dancer?: lol no

Shy?: hardly ever

Outgoing? yeah i think so

A good storyteller?: yes exspeically making em up on msn with the faces.


Chicken Pox? Yeah

Strep Throat? Yes

Mono? no

Flu? Yes

Cold? Yes

Stitches? EWWW NO!!

Bloody nose? ya

Surgery? getting my tonseils out?

Someone say they hate you? yes

Someone besides your family say they Love you? Yes


Enjoy parks? sure

Like Picnic's? sure

Like School? FUCK NO

Sleep with a stuffed animal? no

Collect anything? no

Like to sing? in the car

Like to shop? yes!

Like to Party? uh depends

Get in trouble a lot? i dont know.

Chew your food before swallowing? ya, you dont swallow it whole retard.
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