Good way to start out break

Mar 24, 2005 22:39

anyways.. after school, emily, Hannah and me went out to breakfest wtih hannahs mom in brighton then i came hoem for like 10 min, went to best buy and target to get ambers present. came home talked to trent, he couldnt hang out because he didnt have the car :( . BUT he said tommorow for sure, we will be hanging out for a few hours! :D. also im so freaking excited for my date tommorow lol. anwywas back on topic, so night was ambers suprised 16th b-day party it was soo awesome. when i first got there i saw dave (death metal dave) it was soo good to see him ive miss him. i havent seen him in months, they (prevail aka the skurge) also played as a supirse! dave droped his gutiar:(. i talked to him quite a bit acutally so that made me happy. then i promised him when i left i would go up to his work and visit him soon. me and dave also took this awesome effing gangster picture. it was hot lol. amber was soo suprised she had no idea. my twin allie was there. shes soo effing crazy, we exchanged cell phone numbers. her and her freinds are soo werid then found out my last name and thier like HANCOCK HAN- COCK!!!!! im like oh my gosh it was quite funny. but they were getting on alot of peoples nevres. wanna fight betty also played they did good i thought. oh my gosh, pete was raping acutally he did it 2 time it was soo,garrett, and hannah are haning out over break soon right hannah, i planed it for tuesday. is that okay? lol, well also patrick called me wanting to hang out hes home from maine for a few days i todl him id hang out with him saturday. but i kinda sorta dont wanna but hey maybe. but thats it, i hope you all had a wonderful night. i love you!! <3
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