Feb 27, 2005 12:36
0.What is your full name? Melissa Marie Hancock
1. Nicknames? Mel, Melli, Mella, Jiffy
2. B~day? September 3rd
3. Age: 15
4. Gender: female
5. Where do you live? Hartland, Mi
6. What school do you attend? Hartland High School
7. Siblings and their ages? Sister,18
8. Animals? my dogs and fishs
9. Zodiac sign? Virgo
10.Righty or lefty? righty
**********YOUR LOOKS**********
11. Hair color: Redish Brown.
12. Eye color: green
13. Height: 5’4
14. Do you wear glasses? no contacts:)
15.Do you have any piercings? yes
16. Do you have any tattoos if so, what and where? no
17. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? No
18. How are you today? stressed and bored.
19. What shirt are u wearing right now? sweater
20. What bottoms are u wearing right now? P.J's
21. What song are u listenin to right now? Lost at Sea-Eisley
22. What was the last thing you ate? wendys
23. Last person u talked to on the phone? Mommy
24. Last dream you can remember? where me and hannah went to the beach with these really hot guys. lol
25. Who are you talking to now? no one
26. What time is it? 12:39
**********MORE ABOUT YOU!**********
27. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Pink
28. Have you ever almost died? maybe from hypothermia a few years ago, and when kristy almost got us into a car accident 3 times in one day on my side of the car.
29. Do u like the person who sent you this? as a friend yea.
30. How do u eat an Oreo? you chew it?
31. What makes you happy? Hanging out wtih people, my new fruit purse,Nathan(even if i never see/talk to him again :( ) and music.
32. What is the next cd you are planning to buy? i dont know.
33. Whats the best advice ever given to you? i dont know
34. Have you ever won any special award? nope
35. What are your future plans: Going to College in Saginaw and finding my love lol
37. Worst sickness u have ever had? hmm i dont remember
38. Whats the stupidest thing u have ever done? i dont know.
39. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?that i didnt care so much about what people think of me
41. How many kids do u want to have? 2.... a boy and a girl
42. Sons names ? Landen
43. Daughter's names? Arial and Roxanne
44. Do u do drugs? no
45. Do u drink? not really.
46. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do use? Granier Friutis? i dont know i cant spell
47. What are you most scared of? spiders, sankes,not getting into a college, and being alone for the rest of my life.
49. Do you have a television in your room? yes
50. Do you have a phone in your room? yes
51. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope
52. Have you ever broken, fractured a bone? yea my rest, i tore the tendents
53. Who do you tell your future dreams to? hannah?
54. Who is the loudest friend you have? Hannah or amber.
55. Who is the quietest friend you have? Danielle
56. Is Cheerleading a sport? HECK YES IT IS!
******YOU AND LOVE**********
57. Do u believe in love? yes
58. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? No
59. Do you have crush on any one? nope.
61. Will you send this to your crush? no i dont have one
62. Do u believe in love at first sight? Heck yes i do
63. Where do u want to go on your honeymoon? hmm probably Bahamas
64. What song do you want played at your wedding? i don know.
65. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyebrows.
*****~*Guys*~(girls only)******
68. boxers or briefs: boxers
70. tall or short: tall
71: strong arms or 6 packs: uhh strong arms.
72. Good or bad guys?: in between.
73. Hat or no hat: depends.
74. Ears pierced or not: i dont effing know.
75. Tan or no tan: in the middle.
76. Dimples or not: i dont really notice, acutally i dont even know what dimples are i just know i have em lol
78. Rugged or sporty: whats rugged?
79. Studly or cutie? i dont know
80. Accent or not? southern accent.
81. Glasses? no glasses.
82. Smart or dumb? not really dumb but not super duper smart either.
83. What sport should he play? anyone he wants?
*~*~*Girls*~*~*(for guys only)*
84. Sandals or flip-flops?
85. Painted nails or not?
86. Giddy or Stern?
87. Controlling or not?
88. Cute 'n' mysterious or wild 'n' hott?
89. Dark or blonde hair?
90. Long/medium/short hair?
91. Curly or straight hair:?
92. Dark, light, or crazy kool eyes?
93. Long or short nails?
94. Good or bad girl?
95. Hair up or down?
96. Big hoop earrings or small studs?
97. Tall or short?
98. Accent or no accent?
99. Pants or dress?
100. Naturally tan or naturally fair?
101. Glasses?
102. Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick?
103. Freckles or none?
104. Shy or outgoing?
105. Funny or always cool?
106. Talkative or shy?
**********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT**********
107. Lights on/off: lights on.
108. Sun or rain? Sun
109. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king):
110. Do you like scary movies or humorous movies better? Both.
111. On the phone or in person: in person
112. Paper or plastic: plastic
113. sausage, pepperoni, or cheese?
114. summer or winter: summer!!
115. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person lol
116. Chocolate Milk or White Milk: Chocolate
117. root beer or dr. pepper? dr. pepper
118. On tape or DVD: dvd
119. Cats or dogs: well it dpends on the color of the cat, but dogs.
120. vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
121. skiing or boarding:? boarding
122. day or night? night
123. cake or pie? cake
124. diamond or pearls? diamond
125. sunset or sunrise: sunset
**********YOUR FAVES*******
126. Color: green and pink
127. Food: dont have one.
128. Fast food: subway
129. Candy: sweedish fish!
130. Drink: diet pepsi
131. Ice cream flavor: none
132. Sport: to play- cheerleading!, to watch-hockey and cheer
133. Animals: dont really have one
134. Numbers: 11
135: Radio stations: 89x, 101.1, 102.5,93.1, 95.5
136. Fav band: too many
137. Fav actor or actress,actor: Johnney depp
138. Favorite day of the week: friday
139. Favorite month: September.
140. TV show: gilmore girls, ashlee simpson show, Laguna beach, simple life.
141. Store: pac sun, and target
142. Scent: Lila
143. Teacher: G Dawg!
~~~~~~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~~~~
144. Loved someone so much it makes u cry? ive never loved someone only the friends.
145. Dreamt the same dream more than once? not that i know of.
146. Broke the law? yea
148. Tried to kill yourself? no
150. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: no well maybe
151. Do you like filling these out: yea when im bored.
Wel nothing really has been going on to much, thrusday i went to gymnastics im soo close to my backwalkover and i started my back handsrping.. friday- i did nothing but freak out about school and stuff. Saturday- was funn, i drove around brighton we had to go to Home Depot to get stuff for my master bedroom, then to Cosko for sumthing, then to Great China cause i want to get a job there. then came home got ready, went to Mr.b's with hannah, kristy, mom and dad i saw marty there but i didnt say anything.then we went to the rec cetner where no one was there so we waited outside then these two kids came out and they said that 2 of the bands couldnt make it and 1 broke up. so we foudn no point in going. then we visited Jamie up at work, lol. then we went to target got this cute purse it has like friut prints on it, youll have to see it, then we went to borders where we ran into madie and amber. and hten came home it was funn i guess. thats my weekend now i have soo much homework so bye! :)