Jun 17, 2003 16:17
Do you?
1. Smoke? nope
2. Do drugs? nope
3. Have sex? not yet
4. Sleep with stuffed animals? No, just pillows
5. Have a crush? My girlfriend
6. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? YES
7. Have a dream that keeps coming back? On occasion I will have a reoccuring dream
8. Play an instrument? Guitar
9. Believe there is life on other planets? Probably
10. Remember your first love? Hmmm
11. Still love them? nah
12. Read the newspaper? every once in a while
13. Have any gay or lesbian friends? yeah, kind of
14. Believe in miracles? Yeah, I think so.
15. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? I think so definitely
16. Consider yourself tolerant of others? as tolerant as they come
17. Consider police friend or foe? Neither
18. Like the taste of alcohol? Not really
19. Have a favorite Stooge? Curly
20. Believe in Astrology? Kind of
21. In magic? No
22. In God? Kind of
23. Pray? Sometimes
24. Go to church? when I can't get out of it hah
25. Have any secrets? I am sure, not that I can thing of
26. Have any pets? 2
27. Do well in school? When I try
28. Go to or plan to go to college? I plan to, yes I want to eventually get my Doctorate in music
29. Have a degree? not yet
30. Talk to strangers who instant message you? When they do
31. Wear hats? Sometimes
32. Have any piercings? My ears, and maybe my lip again soon.
33. Have any tatoos? Not yet, I want one on my fore arm
34. Hate yourself? Nope
35. Have a horny spot? Yeah, more then one
36. Get horny easy? Not really
37. Have a best friend? a few
38. Wish on stars? I would, but haven't
39. Like your handwriting? No
40. Have any bad habits? I'm sure
41. Care about looks? Not really
42. Believe in witches? ??
43. Believe in Satan? Kind of
44. Ghosts? undecided
45. Santa Clause? uhh, no
46. The Easter Bunny? nope
47. The Tooth Fairy? kind of, hahahaha
48. Have a second family? .. what?
49. Trust others easily? Yeah, for the most part
50. Like sarcasm? Yeah It's fun sometimes