Nov 22, 2004 12:18
Dammit dammit dammit...get out of my head song! I hate it when I have a song in my head and it won't go away and I can't even listen to it. Speaking of music, I went a little crazy this weekend. I got my Christmas bonus last week (for some odd reason). It was incredibly generous, so I put most of it away for moving, but spent some this weekend. I took Michael, Nora and Shawn to brunch on Saturday morning and we ended up hitting Everyday Music afterwards. I bought 3 cds: Interpol-Antics, Pixies-Surfer Rosa, and a used copy of Micro Mini (just had to get it). So, $36 there. Then yesterday I was bored, so I went up to the Everyday Music near my house and spent $60 on records. I got some REALLY good deals, but still, $60...geez.
Been a while since I've written. Things with boys are still confusing, but oh well, when is that not true? Wish I had some good news to report, but as always, I'm in limbo.
I've been cooling it on the shows lately. Saw Death Cab a couple weeks ago (and saw Ally at the show, which was fantastic!). They were good as usual. We went to see the Bella Fayes again. We're turning into groupies...little frightening. Even though I have bonus money, I'm trying to stay in a little more. Shawn and I stayed in on Saturday night and watched "Valley Girl"....ah, the 80s classics. It was nice to not go out and to wake up not smelling like a bar.
Thanksgiving is only a few days away and I am definitely chomping at the bit to get outta here. I need a break from Portland. I love it, but sometimes you just need the separation to remember why you love it so. I'm going to meet my dad's girlfriend this weekend too. I guess I should seeing as they've been dating for almost 2 years. At least my brother will be there.
Well, that's it for the exciting world of Carmel. I wish I had more fun things to say :( but sadly, I don't. Adios!