Jul 25, 2005 15:08

Your Slanguage Profile
Aussie Slang: 50%Southern Slang: 50%British Slang: 25%Canadian Slang: 25%New England Slang: 25%Prison Slang: 25%Victorian Slang: 25%

What Slanguage Do You Speak?

Your Virgo Drinking Style

Hey brainiac, you are compelled to impose order onto your bender.
Your famously fussy quest for purity could lead to drinking less than other signs, sure...
But it could also lead to drinking booze neatly (like sucking down organic wine or having extreme brand loyalty).
You rarely get fully shellacked -- but, oh, when you do!

Virgo's controlled by the intellect, but there's an unbridled beast lurking within, and they let it loose when walloped. It's dead sexy (and surprisingly unsloppy). As one Virgo friend used to declare, "I'm going to drink myself into a low level of intelligence tonight." A toast to the subgenius IQ!Your Signature CocktailsMany Virgos prefer clear, simple, untreacly drinks like vodka tonic or a real margarita, though you can be found drinking anything from unflinchingly downing Cuervo straight to smirkingly ordering a dirty virgin. You also tend to like bitter, low-alk guzzles like Campari and soda. However, you rarely change your signature drink once you've found it.Your Celebrity Drinking BuddiesCameron Diaz, Hugh Grant, Keanu Reeves, Nicole Richie, Bill Murray, Jada Pinkett Smith, Adam Sandler, and Ricki Lake.

What's Your Alcohoroscope?

sounds like me!! the drinking one anyway...

The True You
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be together with you always, no matter when or where.With respect to money, you are a bit stingy.You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities.The hidden side of your personality tends to be reluctant to accept things as they are. And you are prone to think negatively.You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends.

Who's the True You?

You Are A Pine Tree

You love agreeable company, peace, and harmony.

Compassionate and friendly, you love to help others.

A natural poet, you have a very active imagination.

You are very soft on the inside - needing affection and reassurance.

You can fall in love deeply, but you will leave if you feel betrayed.

What is Your Celtic Horoscope?

Your Hidden Talent
You are a great communicator. You have a real way with words.
You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel.
People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation.
When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers.

What's Your Hidden Talent?

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Brave Herbalist.

Where You Lived: Ireland.

How You Died: The Plague.
Who Were You In a Past Life?

Your Kissing Purity Score: 34% Pure

You're not one to kiss and tell...

But word is, you kiss pretty well.
Kissing Purity Test
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