Santa Slam-Indy Concert

Dec 23, 2003 11:23

2003-12-13 11:19:00

Okay...well last night was "thee night". I went to Indianapolis for the Santa Slam concert, which had the line up of: Kimberley Locke (from American Idol), Josh Kelley, O.A.R., Liz Phair, All American Rejects, Black Eyed Peas, and Mr. Clay Aiken (who I went to see mainly). It was quite crazy, in fact, my ears are still ringing while I'm writing this from work. This was probably the loudest concert (music wise) that I have been to. Everything seemed to be blasting & screeching.

I met two friends of mine that I've been talking to for a little while on the internet--Tony & Felicia. Both are sweetheart's. Tony, who doesn't know his left from his right, is probably the wildest kid in the world. And Felicia, who is just a total doll. (Sorry we couldn't get a picture together hun! I would have loved to have the 3 of us in a shot---maybe solo tour I'll head back down to Indy again ;))

After Clay closed with "Invisible" I had to go to the RadioNow tent to head with about 15-20 other people to go back & meet Clay. This is where it gets sad. The DJ/Host guy (not really sure who he was) said that since Clay is really sick with bronchitis, & since he's headed to Atlanta for a show today (the 13th), that we can only have 1 item signed by him and that we could not have any personal pictures taken with him. It almost felt like an assembly line in a way. We filed in, and Clay came out wrapped up in a scarf, his coat & glasses. When I got to the table (I was maybe like 7th in line) he looked at me, smiled, and I handed him a little letter I wrote him. He thanked me for it, and asked me what my name was (I had him sign the inside of the cd), and I said: Melissa---1 "l" an "i" 2 "ss" and an "a." He laughed and said: "Thanks, I like someone who gives directions!" He then wrote it out and asked if it was correct, and then signed it: All My Love, Clay Aiken. At this point, I had a lady behind me try and take a picture of this happening. I then shook his hand, thanked him, and...before I knew it, it was over and I was pushed outta the way (not actually, but ya know what I mean) and the night was done. I do understand that he's sick & needs his sleep and has a hectic schedule. But it just went by so fast! I really just wanted a personal picture with him. But, I consider myself lucky enough to have been able to see him in concert, and to be able to meet him. Ahh...such a sweetheart. Even with him being sick with bronchitis since November 30, he still took the time to do a little Meet & Greet. And rumor has it, he was throwing up after the show too. ICK!

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