Oct 23, 2005 08:32
So little did I know yesterday that I would be going to sleep with a new toy in my apartment. The computer that I was using was the old family dinosaur. Granted it worked, but it was slow, out of date, and every time I booted up it would give me an error screen that pretty much said this machine will self destruct at any time. So in the back of my mind, I knew that a new computer would be an issue in the near future.
I called my brother just to ask him if he would be willing to help me buy a new computer over Christmas break. He immediately jumps online, goes to every computer company website he can think of, and is spewing out prices and facts. He then said, I'll be right over. He was at my doorstep and wanted to take me shopping. So much for Christmas break! To make a long story short, I am now the proud owner of an Apple iMac. Which means this Christmas break I will now be shopping for an iPod and a digital camera. I'm slowly finding my way back into modern times, I promise.