
Apr 15, 2007 17:17

I always pick completely random days to write to livejournal... I think it's mostly days when I'm BORED AS HELL, or something. Which is so true... I just got back from TBS/KKY district, and it was one crazy ass trip... like... yeah. Haha.

I got there thinking I could relax for the weekend. Yeah freakin right. Me and Ashley and Caitlin all left early cuz Ashley's president/delegate of our chapter, and she had to be there by a certain time, and I didn't have class, so why not be there for the whole thing? The others missed the first two sessions. Anyway... like... I went, and like, 15 chapters didn't show up, so they had to put 'proxies' in their place, and guess who ended up being a proxy? Me. I'm sitting in the middle of all these chapter presidents and seniors, and I'm a NEW MEMBER, a FRESHMAN. I was very embarrassed... I felt like a moron the whole damn time.

But it was fun anyway (when I wasn't in committee meetings... they're suckingly boring!), because I got to hang out with erybody. XD. I was kinda bitchy though because I'm about to start my period, and you know how that goes. And omg today I nearly cried... we went to headquarters, cuz district was in Stillwater, OK... which is the founding chapter of TBS and KKY, and there was this wooden sign, right? That says ZOMG TBS AND KKY HQ, SUPER SWEETNESS except not really... pretty much it just said TBS and KKY Headquarters and a bunch of other shit... anyway we were all posing and taking pictures, and at one point Erin and I were taking pictures, and I get the dumbass idea to straddle the wooden sign. Good and everything, nice little picture, until I get down and get the thickest, longest splinter in my left asscheek that I have ever seen in my life. Like, honestly. Okay, I've seen bigger splinters but it felt like a freaking dagger was stabbing me. I mean, imagine. An inch long splinter, really thick, stabbed through your jeans AND your skin, going into your ass, towards your sacred garden. That skin is really sensitive, and kinda flexible, so when you're pulling on it, it's like, "zomg, I don't wanna come out! I wanna stay right here." and so at first it was kinda funny because my skin was like O.M.G. at my stupidity and went numb right after I got the splinter, but then I started trying to get it out and it was like, everytime I moved it a fraction, I'd scream... and keep in mind that we could not get it out of my jeans, because it'd pierced in this really weird way... so like... I'm basically stitched to my own damn jeans. Now then, I'm in pain, and the splinter won't come out for five minutes. I'm sitting here worrying if I'll have to go to the hospital to get it cut out (I'm a hypochondriac) and trying my best to wiggle it out (and it hurts like hell! I'm screaming!). Now, imagine this. The rest of your entire chapter that went to district, making circles around you, cackling madly and taking pictures. Like, at one point I've got my hands down my damn pants trying to pull it out, and they're like, OMG NO STOP, I WANT TO TAKE A PICTURE FIRST, and I'm all afraid my leg's gonna fall off cuz I'm gonna get an infection and get gangreen. But they WANT A PICTURE. That's sisterhood, right there. And then some of them were like ZOMG LET ME HELP! and at first I was like, Yeah, pull it out, but they were trying to pull it out straight, when it went in sideways, and I'm bleeding all over my damn self, and it hurt like hell.

so I finally get that damn thing out by myself, while other chapters pass by like o_O because I have my hands down my pants on my lower ass. And then I saved the splinter <3.

But now I have a hole in my jeans. =( and pretty much in my ass/leg, too.

I kinda miss Brian. I won't see him till Tuesday. =( But I'm okies. =D!

goofy, retard, tau beta sigma, district, splinters

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