Jul 25, 2005 22:09
Hmmm...... Well nothing is really new except for the fact that i had to go get stitches for the stupidest reason lol.....
Here's the story:
My mom told me to go feed the dogs so i listened for once and got up to open a can of wet dog food to put over the dry stuff.... I went to pull the lid off and my thumb decided to slip on it and i sliced my thumb open (it was pretty deep) and my mom took me to the hospital (as Amanda got stuck having to clean up the bloody mess in the kitchen, literally) got to the hospital and the really cute med student told me that i needed to get 2 or 3 stitches. the funny part is i fell asleep when he was putting them in!!! lol
So yeah thats the story of Melanie's stupid reason to go to the hospital for stitches. (this wasn't the first time i had to go to the hospital to get stitches for something stupid either) But yeah i get to get them out next Monday.
But i am gonna go for now so i will talk to you all later when i get the chance. If any of you wanna hang out some time give me a call (586)-445-8099