all of the major passes in the Cascades are closed for avalanche danger.
I5 south is closed for floods and apparently amtrak isn't running to portland either. i'm not familiar with back roads or anything but according to
wsdot there really isn't any way to go south. so the only way out by land is through's a strangely claustrophobic thought.
#waflood on twitter is a little repetitive, but still interesting. a higher quantity of germans than i was expecting...and
this german site and twitter are the only ones mentioning a Horizon Air special on flights from seattle to portland. ah, internet.
this is where i go skiing - well, i'm usually at summit central and that must be summit east, but still...
this is a nice shot of snoqualmie falls...
flickr says "We couldn't find any results matching waflood. Did you mean waffled?"
anyway, i'm lucky, we're on a hill out of the way and still have power. and i don't have any desire to leave seattle until friday.