Jan 20, 2012 18:36
so i just got done with my first week of the spring semester! loads of homework, but that's college for you. speaking of college . . . i can't go to my juilliard audition. all of my teachers are extremely strict on their attendance policy and how'll it'll effect my grade. i've never been so sad.
on top of not being able to make it to the audition, megaupload is gone, either indefinitely or forever. yesterday was a terrible day for me. i could barely focus on anything. the only thing i could focus on was informing as many people as i could. at least most people are more aware now.
anyway, today wasn't so bad. i was loaded with homework, sure, but when i read that the SOPA/PIPA bills were being put on hold for now, it made things look a little brighter. :)
hopefully the bills won't pass, but we can only hope.
it's the worst day yet.,