Sep 30, 2011 13:43
why do people make it out to be this big this? besides getting an education for a career most parents force their kids into, it really isn't all that great. some of my classes remind me of high school. the only fun class i have is my theater class. i blame the teacher; he's hilarious as fuck. xD
i'd prefer to major in theater, but my mom says that's not realistic at all, so i should just double major in forensic chemistry and theater instead (of course she'd rather me pick the really long, really tiring route). reading between the lines, she doesn't support this idea. we have different goals, my mother and i. she wants me to be happy and not have to drive myself into debt, and she wants me to have enough money to support myself. everything comes down to money. -_-
me, on the other hand . . . i just wanna be happy. i don't want a real career. i was never particularly good at anything in school. sure, i got a's in my classes, but nothing ever really stood out to me as interesting, except singing and acting. i love them both. my mom actually got my sister and i a chance to record some stuff with a guy she knows over thanksgiving break; i can't wait. :D
i'm considering trying out for juilliard's acting program. i'd love to live in new york. even though it's a busy city, i can be alone. that'd be nice. and i'd be majoring in what i love doing. :)