Jul 26, 2015 10:14
I haven't posted in a while. Not much going on really. The heat is doing a number on me as usual. I have a car with a working AC now so I get relief after work when I need it most. I'm trying very hard not to use the AC at home because it costs too much.
Frankie the guinea pig has gotten so much bigger now and is still so sweet. He does the purr-like sound they make when I hold him and talks to me every day. Probably because I'm the one that gives him his apples and green beans.
Tim has been extra rambunctious the last few days. I have no idea who put a quarter in him but geez! It does my heart good to see him running around because it means he is healthy and happy but I wish he would give me a break and not need to be chased when I wake up and when I get home from work. He talks a little more than he used to which I'm not real fond of but I'd rather he use his words to get my attention than his teeth right?
John is doing well. His BP readings are still too low which is not good for his kidneys either so there has been some adjustments to meds and I have to give them a list of the readings every two weeks. It's a process and it takes a long time. I have faith they will get it straightened out.
We have an annual picnic with John's club coming up. I'm making bok choy salad and peach pie crumble bars to bring. The bars are a recipe from my Martha Stewart Living magazine. It will be my first stab at them but the recipe is straight forward enough I'm reasonably confident.
I was told by a worker at a restaurant near the one I work for to apply there but I'm not sure I will. Restaurant stuff is hard and what I want is grocery store baking. Which is also very hard but in a different way. It just sucks to work this hard to be this poor. I'd be happier if they would put on the AC. I don't want to make decisions now while it's so hot and I'm just trying to get through each day.