I just had a thought while at work (slow day in the admissions office...and I didn't bring my sermon with me to work on, nor any of my reading because I thought I'd be swamped...grrr....). The radio was on in the office and I started thinking about how the vast majority of Christians I know here at Drew don't listen to Christian music -- they
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And when I want to be spiritualized, I might just pop in a praise CD. There is nothing wrong withh praise songs, they serve a function. There are - and I think you agree with me on this - good and bad praise songs. I suppose I just try to separate the chaff from the wheat? :-P
As for praise songs, though, I must suggest Shane and Shane. Their live CD is amazingly fantastic. Take care!
I realize that within any genre there are diamonds and there are ugly rocks. It is just so hard to find the pretty ones through the HUGE pile of ugly on the Christian Rock scene. By that I don't mean artists who are Christian, but those who are on the labels sold in "Christian Book Stores" (another rant that someone needs to make. I'll give one phrase: offer something in addition to the KJV and NIV--quit pushing your specific theological agenda), played on self-styled Christian Radio stations. In otherwords, those who don't even try to play in the larger music world and have formed a very inwardly focused, self-serving, industry.
That is so true. (And yes, the "Christian Bookstore" rant has been formulating in the back of my mind for the past couple of years).
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