casting HP, my style

May 03, 2011 23:11

Yyyyeah. So I have an unending love affair with the Trio-era Slytherins. Last night, I decided I was going to write up mini-bios for each of them, just so people see where my crazy characterizations come from. However, I got distracted around the 'appearance' section and ended up finding PBs for all of them. My choices are a little strange for most people, but hey. I was actually surprised I was able to find people that matched my mental vision so closely, especially all in one night (one hour, even!)

Bulstrode, Millicent Anselma
Emily Barclay


Crabbe, Vincent Falco
Max Adler


Davis, Tracey Ellen
Laura Wiggins


Goyle, Gregory Wolfgang
Russell Tovey


Greengrass, Daphne Imogene
Kaya Scodelario


Malfoy, Draco Lucius
Joe Anderson


Nott, Theodore Niccolo
Joseph Gordon Levitt


Parkinson, Pansy Michaela
Megan Prescott


Zabini, Blaise Alessandro
Isaiah Colbert


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