Jan 18, 2013 11:34
1. Rj making me laugh this morning-really laugh
2. Adam's sister letting us stay at her beach house when she's not there
3. MLk (and countless others) for standing up for what's right and just, for believing there could be a better world and doing something to try to change it. And, you know, the 3 day weekend in celebration of his life isn't so bad either...
Adam agreed to take this intro to mindfulness meditation workshop with me in a few weeks. I've been doing some reading here and there about it, and tried it, and it's fucking hard. My mind is all over the place. I'll try to concentrate on my breath, my mind will jump half a million places, it will go back to the breath, and "hmm I wonder if I'm doing this right...my arm itches,is this really going to help me? oh shit I should be concentrating on my breath...why the breath? godamnit!" and I'll give up. Or I'll realize after 10 minutes that I've spent the last 7 thinking about something else and feel like I've wasted my time. I know it's part of the process, and I know it's frustrating and hard, but I also know that it's important. I want to improve my ability to concentrate, and I want to improve my ability to let go of stressful situations (or negative emotions). I'm not looking for "enlightenment", whatever that is, though if it knocks on my door, I certainly won't turn it away ;) ...At any rate...so I think taking an actual class and have someone who is actually successful at it talk about their experience and normalize mine will help. Plus Adam taking the class with me will make me feel more comfortable in a new social situation, and I think it would be good for him, too. I hope it works out and we stick with it.
Telling stupid math jokes to a bunch of 12 & 13 year olds who couldn't help themselves but laugh and groan at them
Myself. Hell yeah I'm going to give myself a pat on the back. We had a meeting at work today where someone who will remain nameless started bitching AGAIN about another person who I work with. I couldn't take it any more and called her out for being presumptuous and not taking the initiative to fix the problem. It was really uncomfortable, but I felt like it really needed to be said, and the other peons that I work with sure as hell weren't going to say anything. A small thing, but I feel good that I stood up for what was right.