Inception fic: After the storm (I run and run as the rain's come)

Aug 01, 2010 20:22

Title: After the storm (I run and run as the rain's come) 
Author: mellaithwen.
Pairings: Eames/Arthur.
Rating: R.
Word Count: 4, 325
Warning: Character death, dark.
Summary: Eames dies, and his projection haunts Arthur's subconscious.  
Written for this prompt over at inception_kink .

He throws his dice along the floor seventeen times before Ariadne puts her hand on his and whispers that this isn’t a dream. )

fic, fanfic, inception

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Comments 111

denorios August 1 2010, 20:16:17 UTC
I have literally just come back from seeing Inception, and I was most definitely sat there thinking 'Eames/Arthur? There are definite possibilities there' and then you write this!

I'd say it's awesome but I think you broke my heart too much for that. *sniffles*

But it is awesome, you know.


mellaithwen August 1 2010, 22:13:58 UTC
I saw several flisties praising arthur/eames before I saw the film so I wonder how influenced I was, but I could definitely see it in the first film and on the second viewing I was like THEY ARE SO IN LOVE *^.^* i'm so sorry about breaking your heart! if it's any consolation, I got sillily said when writing some parts over the last few days lol! thanks so much for reading hun :):)


totallybalanced August 1 2010, 21:07:17 UTC
Well this is the first Arthur/Eames fic I've read to make me cry. ♥♥


mellaithwen August 1 2010, 22:12:21 UTC

lol :D and that reminds me; your fic needs reading! I will go do so now!! :D


andrealyn August 1 2010, 22:00:45 UTC
♥ I am the requester of that prompt and I am absolutely and utterly WHOLLY in love with this. It's hearbreaking and beautiful and I LOVE IT.


mellaithwen August 1 2010, 22:11:41 UTC
SQUEE!! You have no idea how terrified I was that you'd hate it!! But thank youuuu! and thank you for the prompt itself! I couldn't believe no one had filled it!


(The comment has been removed)

mellaithwen August 2 2010, 14:01:07 UTC
sorry for making you sad but I'm glad you liked it!! :) thanks for reading!


halfdutch August 1 2010, 23:10:51 UTC
Wow, so gorgeously, intensely heartbreaking. I'm a little bit of a wreck after reading this. Far and away my favorite Inception fic I've read.


mellaithwen August 2 2010, 14:05:08 UTC
best compliment ever :D :D seriously thank you so much for saying so! and reading :):)


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