Star Trek fic: The Weight of Us

Jul 19, 2009 15:27

Title: The Weight of Us
Author: mellaithwen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Warning: the angst of a ship's end.
Disclaimer: star trek doesn't belong to me.
Summary: Jim's not ready for the end, but his crew won't leave him to face it alone.

I'm not ready, he thinks, as the ship rocks from the force of the attack and he grips the arms of his chair so tightly that there will be indentations left in his palms.

I'm not ready, face determined and voice strong ordering the immediate evacuation of all---

The senior Bridge crew don’t leave.

I'm not ready to--

“What are you all doing?” He demands, staring at Bones, who like Scotty has arrived for this, this moment, this last stand.

“You're our Captain.” He retorts, as a computer panel short-circuits and sparks fly. Another painful shudder and through the paneled glass, the senior crew of the Enterprise can see minute shuttles flying off into the safe distance. Their guns are firing to the last, another panel explodes and the main lights go out. Their faces lit by the eerie blue of the few screens that are still online.

Jim feels a surge of defeat that only Bones can see hidden in his best friend’s grim expression.

I'm not ready to lose this. You. I...

He thinks and doesn’t need to say.

it’s his father’s legacy it’s his ship it’s his crew it's his friends it’s giving in
it’s the end.


fic, fanfic, drabble, star trek fic, star trek

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