Apr 29, 2007 14:03
got back from orlando about 3 hours ago. came home and just jumped into bed (took my shoes and glasses off first though), and passed the fuck out. geoff came and woke me up a little bit ago. i forced myself to get up or else i'd sleep all day and wouldn't be able to go to sleep tonight.
what a fucking awesome time. i had such a blast. the flight this morning SUCKED so badly, definitely in my top 3 worst flights ever, only b/c i was next to a screaming child who was crying/screaming at the top of their lungs for 2 hours of the 2.5 hour flight. i had gotten 7 hours of sleep in the past 2 nights combined and was hoping to sleep on the flight, except for the stupid fuck and his annoying child who he couldn't control.
anyway, have tons to write about, but will do it some other time. too tired and must eat.