Feb 17, 2007 21:17
okay, so we're mostly all moved in. just have a few things left to get from the old place, but we still have another week and a half to do so. i plan on getting some stuff tomorrow, and then sometime next week i get to leave early, so i'm sure i'll try to get the rest of my stuff then.
we just got our cable and internet hooked up. yay!
my room is still entirely in boxes. i finally unpacked all of my clothes -- the only thing i had unpacked so far was my suits for work that i've been wearing. now i have other clothes. yay.
but the rest of my stuff is a freakin mess. SO many boxes of books and crap that i need to organize.
and WTF there are a bunch of people being loud outside. i don't know if someone's having a party, or what, but this is fucking annoying. we live in a quiet neighborhood, and there are not usually really rowdy parties and what not. i'm just about ready to scream out my window STFU! i can look out my window and see that there are a bunch of people in someone's back yard. WTF. it's like 15 degrees outside.
i've had a migrane for the last 2 days. it's gotten better, but this loud screaming and laughing is really annoying and it is making my head hurt.
i'm tired, i'm cranky, i think i'm getting sick, and work has totally burned me out this week. i am working both days this weekend and then all next week except for leaving at 2pm one of the days (probably thursday though). then i have next weekend off. granted, i had last weekend off, but all i did was move, so that wasn't fucking relaxing at all. i just have no motivation to unpack all of my crap. i just want to rest and chill out. bleh.
Geoff just set up xbox live for the first time today, so i'm sure he'll be playing video games all the fucking time from now on. good thing i have a TV in my room!
we got indian food for dinner. we just got back and i'm SOOO full. and i stink like indian food. i hate that.
good thing about tomorrow -- get to sleep in at least. don't have to be at work until 10:45am. Bad thing -- don't get out until about 3:30, so home at 4 by the latest. There goes my fucking day!
well i guess that's enough pointless ramblings. time to go shower.