Jan 20, 2005 02:45
Hey everyone, I know it's been quite a while since I last put down any of my amazing thoughts on these virtual pages, but I've been sorta busy lately (actually I've just been very lazy lately, but don't tell anyone).
But just to let you all know that I'm alive and well, I thought I'd drop you a word or two. Nothing much have really happened since my last update (yet another reason why I haven't added anything I suppose) but here's an update regarding what little that has happened.
I still miss Allison terribly, and I'm counting down until my next countdown begins. On March 15th I'll board a plane from Copenhagen Airport and head for Arizona (or rather Chicago, then Phoenix, but you get my drift) to once again be with the girl of my dreams...
Speaking of which, last night as I walked home after a delightful evening of Warhammer and games of Vs. (with very nice results in both endevaours I might add) I decided to take a stroll down by the beach.
It's not exactly the fastest or easiest route home, but as I sat there on the rocks, looking out over the sea and listening to the breaking of the waves, it was easily worth the added inconvenience.
You see, Allison and I sat at the exact same spot, enjoying each others company when she was here. So letting my mind wander back to that day, to that perfect moment in time, I knew just how much I love her, just how incredible she is, and just how much I miss her...
*Sigh* Sitting, alone, in the darkness thinking about a loved one... Had it been raining and had one of us been dead, it would have been a text-book Vampire moment. I guess I'm turning into a Toreador, may Great Lord Set forgive me...
Anyways, besides from that, I'm still putting my Red Sign chronicle together (and it's really starting to shape up *insert evil laughter*) and I enjoyed the misfortune of having a D&D character of mine permanently polymorphed into a pig (stupid poetic justice, it's such a hard life being a traitor).
The near future also seems to hold some interesting roleplaying experiences. I'm quite looking forward to trying out the "ascencions right hand" chronicle Jonas is cooking up (though I still haven't gotten around to making my butler character yet).
Also, I have the worst luck ever, well either that, or the virtual dice in the online Bloodbowl game hates me. The amounts of 1's I rolled today in my games against John was just stupidly staggering, loosing I can handle, but loosing due to impossible and utterly unstatistical rotten luck is bloody annoying!
Well, I think that's about all for now, I'll be later with more stuff from the Divine Comedy that is my life, and hopefully it'll be a bit sooner next time around (just don't hold your breath waiting for it).
Melkhor, who's slowly sinking into Gothness it would seem...