(no subject)

Sep 16, 2009 12:26

12:45pm 69 (according to weather.com, but it feels cooler)

Tomorrow night we get on a plane to Boston. From there we jump puddles to Augusta and drive to Bar Harbor, where my family awaits. I've not seen them for over a year. I'm almost sadder about that than I am excited about seeing them, and it's a curious emotional state to find myself in.

I think perhaps it has to do with the venue. I've never been to Maine, despite decades on the East Coast, and I've wanted to see it for some time. My brother lived there for a year, and his descriptions sounded awesome in a very rural kind of way. Bar Harbor abuts Acadia National Park, which we will see and doubtless love. It's just not home. We haven't been home for long, and it certainly hasn't been enough to recharge. The trip will be good but not as relaxing as it could be.

It also irks me a bit, I suppose. The logic is all on their side, of course, since we're the only West Coast residents. Obviously we should be the ones traveling, and I'm not suggesting that everyone over there should pack up and fly here for what is in essence my brother's wedding reception just because I don't feel like leaving my house. That said, we've lived here seven years as of last Friday. We, together or separately, have been back east I think four times. My brother's come out twice (once with the now ex- and once with the now current sister-in-law), and my parents have come out once. In seven years. I feel like we've done our part on the visiting front, but I'm getting tired of the expectation that the onus of visiting falls on us because we moved away. Maybe that's just in my head, but I think the numbers back me on this.

*sigh* Anyway. It'll be good to see everybody and to take in a coast and mountains and trees different than what I see every day. I just hope to return the favor someday soon.

travel, family, vacation

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