Nicked from Danny: Aussie meme

Dec 08, 2008 03:49

      Mark which of the following you've experienced in bold... and italics for things you want to do  
1. Heard a kookaburra in person
2. Slept under the stars  I did back in my high school years and I was so cold and uncomfortable the whole night  
3. Seen a koala.   Took care of some in high school for work experience   
4. Visited Melbourne Been  there mainly for sci-fi and fantasy conventions  and seeing John in the fringe festival(way too busy a city) 
5. Watched a summer thunderstorm
6. Worn a pair of thongs
7. Been To Uluru (Ayers RocK)
8. Visited Cape York
9. Held a snake
10. Sang along with Khe San
11. Drank VB
12.Visited Sydney
13. Have seen a shark
14. Have used Aussie slang naturally in a conversation
15. Had an actual conversation with an indigenous Australian (aboriginal).
16. Eaten hot chips from the bag at the beach
17. Walked/climbed over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
18. Used an outside dunny, and checked under the seat before sitting down
19. Seen Chloe in Young & Jackson's.
20. Slept on an overnight train or bus
21. Been to Sydney's Mardi Gras
22. Have gone bush-bashing
23. Taken a sickie
24. Been to see a game of Aussie Rules football
25. Have seen wild camels
26. Gone skinny dipping.
27. Had a Tim Tam Slam
28. Ridden in a tram in Melbourne
29. Been at an ANZAC day Dawn Service.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Held a wombat
32. Been on a roadtrip of 800km or more.   Many times with my parents as a kid and as an adult  and I took alot of books . 
33. Seen the Great Australian Bight in person
34. Had a really bad sunburn  I haven't a bad sunburn since I was in  primary school  
35. Visited an aboriginal community
36. Seen a redback spider  I nearly jumped out of my skin when I found one in my car
37. Have watched Paul Hogan
38. Seen Blue Polls in person ?
39. Wandered barefoot in the bush/outback  I haven't done this alot and one time I cut my foot pretty bad when I was in primary school
40. Eaten Vegemite
41. Thrown a boomerang  I don't throw well though 
42. Seen the Kimberlies    Many years ago as a very young child  and I should see it again as an adult
43. Given a hitch-hiker a lift   Only when Ken was in the car with me , otherwise I'd be too chicken 
44. Been to Perth
45. Have tried Lemon, Lime and Bitters  It's funny going to America and explaining to a waiter how to make one and then him mixing variations and getting us to try them and then Ken explained the two toned drink . 
46. Tried playing a didgeridoo
47. Seen dinosaur footprints
48. Eaten Tim Tams
49. Been to Darwin
50. Touched a kangaroo  
51. Visted the Great Barrier Reef
52. Listened to Kevin Bloody Wilson
53. Killed a Cane Toad   I almost stepped on one *ewww*
54. Gone to a drive-in theatre Twice that I can remember , once with my parents and once when I was a teen with a friend and her bf so her bf wouldn't  make any moves on her (her idea)
55. Have read and own books by Australian authors    A few
56. Visited Adelaide    A few times
57. Know the story behind "Eternity"
58. Been camping   Mainly when I was in Girl Guides and my parents didn't go camping with us that I can remember
59. Visited Brisbane  Hated Brisbane , too damn busy
60. Been in an outback pub
61. Know what the term "Waltzing Matilda" actually means
62. Gone whale watching .
63. Listened to Slim Dusty  I listened to him more when I was a kid  and they had his songs on every radio station when he died  when we were on our honeymoon in Queensland
64. Own five or more Australian movies or TV series.  I so need to watch more aussie movies and try and find soem aussie tv shows like A Country Practice 
65. Sang along to Down Under  Too many times(even in Public) , I love this song and giggle at the 6 foot 4 man and full of muscle cos it reminds of Ken
66. Have stopped specifically to look at an historic marker by the side of the road.
67. Eaten a 4'n'20 pie
68. Surfed at Bondi
69. Watched the cricket on Boxing Day   I hate cricket, its so boring except for when the duck walk across the screen with steam coming out of his head(which is too long to wait for) 
70. Visited Hobart
71. Eaten kangaroo   I had kangaroo steaks for lunch *yummy* and back when my uncle went roo shooting we use to have Kangaroo tail stew
72. Seen a quokka
73. Visited Canberra   We visited Canberra to visit Danny and Sharon and instead met Danny's mum ,Sharon's mum , visited Sharon and saw some points of interest in Canberra(very circular city) It was an interesting drive from Victoria
74. Visited rainforests
75. Used a Victa lawnmower
76. Travelled on a tram in Adelaide  They have trams in Adelaide?!
78. Used a Hills hoist
79. Visited the Olgas
80. Used native Australian plants in cooking
81. Visited the snow I've only touched snow in New Zealand in Summer time back in 88 and the weather was unseasonably cold  
82. Chosen a side in Holden VS Ford  I choose a Toyota Corolla
83. Visited the desert
84. Been water skiing
85. Read The Phantom
86. Visited Parliament House
87. Gone spotlighting or pig-shooting
88. Crossed the Nullarbor  A few times and every time is bit different and so long 
89. Avoided swimming in areas because of crocodiles
90. Listened to AC/DC.
91. Called someone a dag
92. Voted in a Federal Election
93. Have been swimming and stayed between the flags
94. Had a possum in your roof
95. Visited the outback
96. Travelled over corrugated roads.
97. Hit a kangaroo while driving  We have gotten close even coming down from Bickley brook
98. Been well outside any mobile phone coverage
99. Seen an emu. This is usually in places where there is no mobile coverage
100. Have woken to the smell of bushfires   Living not all that far from the hills we smelt smoke coming from the hills many times , still scary everytime

aussie meme

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