Apr 20, 2004 14:43
taken from meggin shaw. who took it from reese. who
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
01. Cried: no
02. Bought something: yes, food
03. Gotten sick: no way
04. Sang: yes, beatles woot
05. Eaten: yes
07. Felt stupid: hah never you fool!
09. Met someone new: yes, his name was "A+ on your English Paper, Meliss"
11. Talked to an ex: elliot preston dubowitch!
12. Missed an ex: i miss talking to mike nelson...
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yar, my lover georg dewey romulus eggers the fourth.
15. Missed someone: not really
16. Hugged someone: no, im shady at school. Shady McSlim Shady.
17. Fought with your parent: no,..yes...
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: dude craziest dream. i drempt that my french teacher madame kervision asked me to help her propose to this senior here, francis.
01. Have you known the longest: donnie turchin, andrew jaskol, andrew apple, brett demesquita, greggy jarema, and samantha tarnapool. (play group what!!)
02. Do you argue with the most with: my mama
03. Do you always get along with: george, except on south street
04. Is the trustworthiest: chelsea
05. Makes you laugh the most: meredith silver and glenn constantino...and sam
06. Has been there through all the hard times: my sister is on my side for ALWAYS
07. Has the coolest parents: urh..mike bargers dad.
08. Have the coolest siblings: me bitch! except i think my bro is gay...
09. Is the most blunt: sam kimelman. i hate him.
10. Is the smartest: george, he came over for dinner once and had a spelling bee contest with my dad.
01. Who is your role model: i kinda wanna be a cross between Erin Brakovich and China
02. What is some of your pet peeves: people chewing food loudly. i'll rip out your mouths.
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: plentilly
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: muscles, tall (except ell), good musical taste, and a large dong (except for ....)
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): kinda, but i normally say the truth before i finish the lie sentence. kinda like "no i didnt have...yeah i did"
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yessir
10. Want someone you don't have right now: no way
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: elliot...matt gold...elyse..
12. Do you want to get married: yes
13. Do you want kids: yes, 4 of them
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: i'd like to say thats a bonafied yes.
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: perhaps my eyes. some say theyre catlike. and cats can never fall on their backs.
19. Are you happy with your life: i am the happiest i have ever been
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: i want to be in college and married to george. that, or just clear 8 feet polevaulting. or maybe write some good songs and start a band.
Have you...
1. Fallen for your best friend?: no
3. Been rejected?: no
4. Been in love?: yes
5. Used someone?: no
6. Been used?: felt like it once...
Who was the last person..
9. You touched?: sam kimelman, he just pushed me
10. You talked to?: sam kimelman, hes talking to his headphones right now
14. You had sex with?: george, gotta problem? no.
16. You laughed with?: fred, my english teacher.
17. Who broke your heart?: chad, but thats because we dated for almost 2 years and then broke up with me 4 days after he took my virginity. and then later he started dating my EX best friend. but my heart is no longer broke. duck tape fixes everything. and george.
Do you..
19. Color your hair?: ...do fish live in fish bowls?
20. Have tattoos?: in music class i drew a star on my ankle today
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
24. Own a thong? ew, gross now.
28. Quack? only at the gynecologists
Have you / do you / are you...
29. Stolen anything? yes, in arizona i stole a leather keychain of a cowboy boot that said MELISSA
30. Smoke? ciggarettes are the grossest things. i did pot for a while, but i came clean.
32. Obsessive? yes...with ROCKY
38. Suicidal? nah, im from the suburbs.
39. Obsessed with hate? hate is bad. except, no thats alie, today in math i wrote a hate poem about a cloud of agony rainging over someone's house and then a snake bit them and the venom crept through their veins because that person was evil. and then the person died.
40. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? my worst nightmare was when i fell through the bottom of the boardwalk and some italian guy in a wife beater started throwing refirgerators at my dad.
46. Have you had braces?: no way
48. Do you like hairy backs? hair should be eliminated. they are the inferior race.
50. Could you live without a computer?: perhaps if i had a lap top
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be?: frigin in thr 60/70's man. i would sooo chill with my dad and be a hippie
61. Are you photogenic?: thats what mrs eggers said...
63. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: yes pink, and my left thumb has sparkles on it
64. Is it chipped or fresh?: a tit chipped
69. Did you like or do you like high school?: i love my new school. its the upmost fun.
71. Who do you want to kiss? george
72. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunsets cause theyre colorful
73. Do you want to live to be 100?: only if im like that Pai Mai guy in Kill Bill2 and have a long white beard and crazy eyebrows
76. Are you loyal?: y to the es
80. Do you think you can draw well?: i can draw ANIME!
84. Do you write poetry?: i love writing poetry. and they become songs. songs of laughter and joy and sorrow. no tomorrow.
here we go...
Who do you admire: kurt cobain
What is your favorite animal?: aardvarks
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: yeaah
Are you a daredevil?: yea i went crowd surfing
Have you ever miss used a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: yeah, like this saturday when my mom said something about a tree and i said "its erotic...i mean exotic" and she was like "oh haha" and i was like "oooo whooottt meow"
Do you trust others easily?: not really, i trust a rare few. usualy the people that dont care enough to tell
Have you ever been on radio or television?: yes, both actually, im a B101 weather girl and i was on Q102 in 5th grade. and i did an Oscar Meyer Weiner commercial. OH I WISH I WAS AN OSCAR MEYER WEINER, THAT IS WHAT ID TRULY LIKE TO BE. CAUSE IF I WERE AN OSCAR MEYER WEINER, EVERYONE WOULD BE INLOVE WITH ME.
Do you have a journal?: obviously
Do you use sarcasm a lot? me? sarcasm? never!
Do you think you are strong?: cause now im stronger than yesterdaaay, now its nothin but a my way!!!