Jan 11, 2006 20:27
So I'm listening to some really good Beck... and suddenly a conversation i had with my brother last week floated back up. Regarding Beck. And how he's a scientologist.
My heart literally sank. I mean, i know i'm supposed to have religious tolerance and all, and I DO... except it's hard when you learn all about something in a section on CULTS in one of your classes... and then you find out people actually believe in something you laughed at in a south park episode. Supposedly Beck's family were scientologists, so he just kind of grew up with. How many people do hear saying they "grew up scientologist"?! I'd have to say Beck would be the first i've heard of. But then again, i'm probably just another shallow, religion-oblivious Bay-Arean. But yeah. I'm still frustrated. Now every time I hear beck and think about how much i love his music, i'm going to have visions of the south park scientology episode running through my head. Great.
In other news, i leave for france in about 12 hours. And i have an enormous headache. And I still have a pile of stuff to fanagle into two already-stuffed suitcases. Damn 44 pound international limit! I'm such a good packer if I don't have to worry about weight distribution!!
next update: FRANCE!!
Hopefully 10.5 hours of Neil Gaiman reading his Anansi Boys book will keep me going. Jason, I'm trusting you on this recommendation...