Packing sucks ASS

Dec 14, 2005 21:33

Fuckin' A!

My back is sore

My room is ugly, white, and dirty, and echoes when I sneeze

My fingertips are raw from the boxing-up-ness

And I have too much fucking stuff, as usual

*note to self*.... pack nothing to go to france. Much easier that way.

All this packing up and unpacking and so on and so forth makes me want to have my own house. With a large basement. And ample closet-age. So I can hide all my pack rat-ism and never have to stress about it coming back to haunt me...

Tomorrow we leave for the 10-12 hour trip back home.

Jason's positive that with a good soundtrack, he could drive the whole thing. Not that I'll let him. But I fear my propensity, during long car rides, is to get quite drowsy and sleep. Maybe I'll try to read a bit. Perhaps we'll even converse some... ;)

And then it will be craziness of back home, bro's graduation from nursing school, x-mas shopping, france preparation, budgeting, seeing people, packing, saying goodbye, and getting on a plane... porthole to the next episode of my life.

I hear a voice calling me, telling me we're starting in on the fridge-cleaning. Oh, the fear...
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