Vampire knight fanart [memo]

Jul 14, 2008 16:43

[To friends: please ignore this post, I'm lazy and procrastinated posting this on my own lj, which I'm doing now. It's the same stuff I posted at

cross_academy and
vampire_knight ^^;]

Nella fretta (e demenza senile) avevo scordato di postare le fanart che ho disegnato... visto che sui club di VK i post nuovi sono all'ordine del giorno, dubito che fra una settimana riuscirei a ritrovare facilmente i miei. E poi è semplicemente più coerente.

I was particularly bored/useless around my house, so I decided to see if my tablet was still alive. Amazingly, it was. And now I'm once again caught in the web of fanarts O_o blame Sakagure for this. Her VK meme had a huge part in my artistic side's awakening XD

First pic is a quick, crappy doodle of Zero. Please ignore it, I put it here just not to make him feel lonely -_-;

The second is way more refined, but I still need to improve (aka study) on the characters' general appearance.
Theme is: vampire!Princess+vampire hunter!Prince. Lol, well, after all the recent revelations, and considering the flashbacks dedicated to Zero's childhood, I just can't forget that, even before Shizuka and Kaname's *erm* intervention, he already was the heir of the most powerful vampire hunter family (if you got doubts about that, you'll just have to read headmaster Cross's words carefully and you'll see ^^)
Anyway, here it is.

Zero's face came out strange -_- well, please tell me your opinion, if you got time.
Oh, btw, I'm working on a VK meme too. Yes, blame Sakagure for that as well XDD

zeki, zero, fanart, yuuki, vampire knight

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