Jun 17, 2018 18:04
1. Favorite book from childhood.
Probably The Black Stallion.
2. Best bargain.
The remaindered copies of Dorothy Dunnett hardcovers.
3. One with a blue cover.
I dunno. The White Dragon by Michael Whelan.
4. Least favorite book by favorite author.
Longeye by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.
5. Doesn't belong to me.
Magician: Apprentice
6. The one I always give as a gift.
I don't usually give books as gifts because everyone's reading tastes are different.
7. Forgot I owned it.
I can't keep straight all the Japanese textbooks I have.
8. Have more than one copy.
Lee & Miller, Martha Wells, Daniel Keys Moran, Diane Duane, Colleen Doran, Donna Barr...
9. Film or TV tie-in.
Star Wars
10. Reminds me of someone I love.
Nevada Barr books (my Dad).
11. Secondhand bookshop gem.
Thorn by Jeff Smith. A collection of strips collected from the Ohio State Lantern. I'd had a copy and sold it during graduate school. When I saw this copy, I caught my breath so strongly that my friend who was down an aisle came over to see what was wrong.
12. I pretend to have read it.
I don't bother to do that.
13. Makes me laugh.
Chanur's Legacy by CJ Cherryh.
14. An old favorite.
A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute.
15. Favorite fictional father.
There aren't that many, are there? Stone, line-grandfather of Indigo Cloud.
16. Can't believe more people haven't read.
Dunnett, Martha Wells.
17. Future classic.
My tastes are idiosyncratic enough that I'm not sure any of my faves will be considered classics.
18. Bought on a recommendation.
Bujold (rec.arts.sf.written denizens, thank you!)
19. Still can't stop talking about it.
20. Favorite cover.
Whelan. Exile's Gate or Invader. I have a print of the first and wish I'd gotten a print of the second when I had a chance.
21. Summer read.
Something set in a cold climate?
22. Out of print.
Jo Clayton's Shadith novels.
23. Made to read at school.
What wasn't I made to read at school? I pretty much hated everything I had to read in high school except The Scarlet Letter (kinda), Main Street (everyone else in the class hated it), some of the Shakespeare. I particularly detested Tess of the d'Urbervilles.
24. Hooked me into reading.
No idea. There's a picture of me in a crib literally surrounded by books. I do remember tipping over from horse and dog books into fantasy/SF by reading A Horse and his Boy. Bought it at an airport shop.
25. Never finished it.
Just about every book assigned in high school. Robert Jordan, Eddings, a bunch of others. Life's too short.
26. Should have sold more copies.
Martha Wells, Fall of Ile-Rien trilogy.
27. Want to be one of the characters.
Diane Duane's Tale of the Five
28. Bought at my fave independent bookshop.
It's been so long since I've bought at an independent bookstore...Oh, I have by mail: Lee & Miller, Wells.
29. The one I have reread most often.
Difficult to determine because I do a lot of rereading. Um, currently, Martha Wells's books. In the past, Lee & Miller, McCaffrey, MZB, Daniel Keys Moran, etc.
30. Would save if my house burned down.
Likely a signed book by either Sharon Lee & Steve Miller or Martha Wells