Last one for the night! I promise!

Sep 06, 2010 00:30

While I was playing with my Sims tonight, a couple of things occured. First of all, Jonathan Toews finally made enough money to move out of his crapshack in the swamp! Yay! He now lives in a house that is equally cramped modest, but at least it's in a much nicer area of town.

Also... he's lonely. I don't know if he actually is, but he looks DEPRESSINGLY lonely.

LOOK AT HIM. Is that not the saddest lonliest thing you've ever seen? Poor guy needs a friend!

You know what that means?


...The answer I'm looking for is, "Time to bring in that Crosby Sim."

Of course, I don't REALLY want to make just another boring athlete Sim. (Though I'm told Sid loves kids... so there'd at least be that difference between them.) But Toews leads a pretty boring life compared to the other Sims I've made. I mean, Paul McCartney is a firefighter! George Harrison gardens and investigates crime! (And might meet aliens one day if he keeps looking through that telescope.) John Lennon is a ghostbuster! (And painter and musician!) And Ringo's going to be the freaking president! So I'm not really keen on making Sidney Crosby play sports... JUST LIKE TOEWS, WOOHOO. So... I have a clicky poll. Behold!


For those of you not familiar with the game's options, there are a few part-time job options:
Bookstore employee
Day Spa Receptionist
Day Spa Specialist
Grocery Store employee
Mausoleum caretaker

Full time careers are as follows:
Criminal (leading to either a Thief or an Evil Villain)
Chef in the Culinary track
Law Enforcement (leads to either Forensic Expert or Secret Agent)
Medical (expanded to include a more interactive Doctor profession)
Military (ultimately resulting in becoming an Astronaut)
Music (either in the symphony or becoming a rock star)
Professional Sports
Science (culiminating in becoming a mad scientist)

There are also professions which are much more interactive and exciting!
Doctor (ties into Medical career)
Architect (design homes!)
Ghost Hunter

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