It's been a long time... but here they are again!

Aug 13, 2010 14:41

Remember my Beatles SIMS? Remember how I was having a ridiculous amount of fun playing with them and documenting all the weird stuff happening? But then remember how I kind of stopped because university crunch time happened?

Well, I picked them up again, probably due to a renewed interest in my ongoing debate of whether or not I should make the crossover into The SIMS 3 territory. Either way, here we have more SIM stories.

Beatles Adventures Part Three: The Summer of I Don't Know What

When we last left our lads (or you left them because I've still been playing with them for a while) much of nothing had gone down. Paul was and still is weird, John was and continues to catch fireflies and butterflies, George was betrayed, and Ringo was completely oblivious to everything.

This week we continue to see Paul and John frolick about in a way that is TOTALLY MANLY, OKAY!?! George takes a liking to wetsuits and odd jobs, and Ringo is... well... Ringo.

Ringo - sick of apologizing - tries to ambush George with the apology cake once again.

George is flattered this time. Because really, who in their right mind can say no to cake? And if it comes with an MP3 player as an added incentive... well... who'se really keeping track?

It appears that everything's finally coming up Ringo! Aww yeah!

Except for the part where he still has to work as a mime. We've all got to pay the bills somehow, right, Ringo?

Ringo's the lucky one, however, as the others (namely John and Paul) seem to be having their problems. Now, the good news (for Paul, at least) is that he's POPULAR. Women passing by him on the street are always checking him out and fawning over him. He even decided to bless one townie by taking her out on a date! His reward? You bet he got lucky! In a photo booth, no less! Macca sure is classy when it comes to the ladies.

And he needs a woman, as it's become quite obvious that Paul cannot cook. This is Paul's kitchen. Yes, that is the stove which is on fire. Paul was trying to make a Pop Tart and instead SET HIS HOUSE ON FIRE.

It's a good thing the super awesome firefighter chick is there to save the day!

Paul stares forlornely at his burnt toaster pastry. Looks like he'd better stick to cereal from now on.

And yet he eats it, even if he almost pukes while trying. Don't say this man isn't determined, folks. At least he ends up as good gossip fodder. I didn't get any pictures, but I caught George and Ringo whispering and giggling about Paul setting his apartment on fire for a couple days after the incident.

They also gossiped about John, though that was a bit meaner because while John didn't set his flat on fire...

A burglar DID break into his house. Here we see him stealing his television away in a magic sack. He also stole John's chess table and almost all the chairs in his house. BUT HE DIDN'T TAKE THE GUITAR, SO WE'RE STILL GOOD.

John broke down and cried after it happened. But in all fairness, it was a frightening experience! Good thing he called 911, but unfortunately the police were lazy and the robber got away. I know, Johnny, he's still out there somewhere... lurking... keeping you in fear...

John decides to take up meditation in order to calm his nerves. He's not going to let an incident like this keep him living in fear for the rest of his life. But apparently he doesn't like my camera, and so chooses to meditate facing the wall.

Ah, that's better.

He also paints. Llamas are a deep and emotional subject. Or maybe it's an arctic giraffe seeing as how its long neck makes it taller than that tree. I don't really know... this IS, after all, John Lennon we're talking about.

So that just leaves us with George. In addition to being an increasingly badass guitar player, he's been around the neighbourhood doing... I dunno... stuff. He has a LOT of hobbies.

Like gazing at the stars.

Yoga. (No, I don't know why John's the only Beatle who can meditate.)

He even tries to take advantage of the nice weather to do some fishing! Unfortunately, it's a spectacular failure at first.

But he eventually manages to catch something and is extremely pleased with himself! Hurray, George! He later cooked it up for dinner that night. I guess he hasn't gone vegetarian yet. (I maintain that FISH IS A MEAT.)

While he was out, he also met a witch. WHAT AN INTERESTING TURN OF EVENTS. Is there some magic in George's future, perhaps?

But all this running about has worn George down, and he developed a terrible cold.

But with a little less running around and a little more of this, he should be fine in no time at all.

beatles, the sims

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