Some art... but mainly other things

Apr 08, 2010 21:30

So there hasn't been much activity in this DW account since shortly after the Olympics. Honestly, the last month has been pretty mad and draining with school and work and all that jazz. I haven't really produced any art or really even tried to draw anything since my last update which is very saddening and just makes me loathe education all the more.

The good news is that I'm very nearly done with the university year. As of Tuesday I will be free from the shackles of education until September. This means you'll definitely be seeing more of me, I'll have more to offer, and... um... there's some stuff to look forward to!

I owe a very awesome someone art still which will be first priority beginning next week... or rather, next weekend since I will probably crash for the next several days after school ends. I have some sketches that I want to flush out into fuller drawings, as well as a knitting project that's nearly done, and some sort of cosplay project (though most likely a Hallowe'en costume) that will occupy the summer as well.

Stay tuned some time around May for commission offerings as well. I'm planning a cross-Canada road trip once I graduate next summer (one last bash before I run out of excuses to avoid adulthood) and any little leg up I could get in saving money would be a plus. So I'll have more details about that later on.

But I'm not leaving you completely empty-handed here, for I actually did do a bit of drawing today just to reassure myself that I haven't completely lost it. Granted, I don't know how good the doodles are because I have been up for 36 hours straight and am really very exhausted and out of it. But at least I did something.

Here's an old reliable, effectively reassuring myself that yes, I can still draw the Beatles. Oh John, I love drawing you probably just as much as I love drawing George, even if I think your neck came out too long.

Who is this? Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2, completely done without any kind of reference and not half bad considering I have never drawn him before and went completely from "Hurm... let's just see what happens." I am mostly proud of the fact that I drew a decent ball cap, so let's nevermind the wonky positioning or the scribbly excuse for a tattoo on his arm.

All sketches were drawn with ball-point pen. So hurray for them coming out so clean!

This art was originally posted at You can comment here or head over there and use OpenID.

beatles, art, left 4 dead 2

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