Gift Art: Golden Taser

Mar 05, 2010 17:04

For the past couple years, my sister's been after me every holiday to make her some art for Christmas or her birthday. I never do because I can never come up with any ideas. Also, her birthday comes at an inopportune time (read: during the school year) so I never usually have time to do anything. In retrospect, I still didn't this year, but in my current funk I seem determined to do anything except the things I HAVE to get done.

Anyways, after the Olympics were over and I began to come down from the absolute party high of the men and women winning gold in ice hockey (though decidedly more excited about the men because it was a more intense game), I went through Flickr collecting photos for a celebratory "this is how much it meant to the country" spam in my LJ just to get sore Americans (and maybe sore Russians) off my back. And I found a certain photo of a certain player who happens to be my sister's absolute favourite. And so... after about eight hours in Photoshop and experimenting with colour a little bit... I had the following.

Title: Golden Taser
Fandom: Hockey (apparently it IS a fandom)
Character: Jonathan Toews
Notes: Eight hours in Photoshop total (my secret? Grids. Always grids, been using them to recreate portraits since high school art class... it was the technique I was taught) and I'm still not sure how I feel about the colour but my sister loved it. I printed it out for her and she was thrilled. So as futile as it is to say this, I'd appreciate it if this wasn't... I dunno... stolen for anything. Though I can't exactly police that without adding hideous watermarks.

I like how the red on the jersey came out, but try as I might I just couldn't get the gold medal to pop and look right. So I'm about fifty-fifty on this. I told her if she ever gets the chance, it'd be a unique thing to have autographed but she insisted that would be creepy. Apparently, what do I know?

And why is everything I post so obscure? I never have anywhere else to post any of the things I do.

This art was originally posted at Unless you're lazy, you can comment there using OpenID.

hockey, gifts, art

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