Okay, so I was really bad at the dual journal thing in 2009 because... I dunno. I just was. But my big art resolution for 2010 is to make proper use of this account. I mean, I have it primarily to share my art seeing as how my LJ is primarily friends-locked and who knows? Not everyone who happens by wants to be my LJ friend. You may just want to see what fannish things I produce and that's cool. I just ought to make it easier by KEEPING THIS THING UP TO DATE.
So I'll begin with a link. In my LJ is a public entry detailing
My Entire Year of Art for 2009 so instead of a mass double post here, pop on over there to catch anything you may have and probably did miss. We've got art from three Big Bangs, and a pretty decent fandom selection (Harry Potter, Marvel, Star Trek, and the Beatles) and all but two selections are completed.
Now having said that, that's not all there is to this entry. Oh no, for I already have an art piece to kick off 2010! (Because drawing is exactly what I should NOT be doing right now.) But as I said in my 2009 meme, facial hair is something I want to work on... so we're going to start off with that very thing.
Title: Dr. John H Watson
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Character: Watson (in this instance, the Jude Law version... who will probably end up becoming my Watson template for years to come)
Rating: G
Notes: I did not expect myself to do this sort of art because my expectations for Sherlock Holmes were disgustingly low. But it ended up being really good and just thrilled the Holmes fan in me, so there you have it. I concede. I was wrong, the movie was awesome, and I'm so glad it was!
I really need to go back to cartooning instead of just drawing spot-on from reference pictures. Though doing things like this has allowed me to get a better grip on drawing real people (or characters based on real people). I ended up turning the drawing into something more sepia-toned to look like old photographs and whatnot... but then I merged layers and realized I'd forgotten a background. So that's why the background looks a little weird.
This art was originally posted at
http://melisus.dreamwidth.org/4035.html. Unless you're lazy, you can comment there using OpenID.