Funny how I can work like that

Dec 15, 2006 23:59

I really should be heading off to bed as I have an exam tomorrow morning (10AM on a Saturday! How terrible is that?! I'm not so much peeved at having to get up early on a Saturday as I am over the fact that I'm going to miss SVU in the morning) but I felt the need to update.

I spent today writing. And I've had far too much Doctor Who on my mind as I wrote a fifteen-page Who fic in one day. It's nothing special really, inspired by a brief conversation with maverick0324 (see, Mav, you're a terrible unfluence), is based on the Attack of the Graske game, and is probably something of a Mary-Sue (despite the absense of classic Mary-Sueisms such as special powers, incredible beauty, or a romance with the main character) but I had fun writing all five parts and feel oddly accomplished. I suppose it might help if I change locations from uh... here to Britain (more canonical that way) but I don't think it really matters as it's not vital to the plot. I'll probably post it in my LJ tomorrow (as it's all completed - all five parts) just for archiving purposes, but hey, if people enjoyed reading Boydism then they might just enjoy the Who fic. I do what I do because I enjoy doing it. And that's what gets me by.

Speaking of which, only nine days to the Runaway Bride. Pretty awesome, no? (And I guess that means only nine days before Christmas.)

I heard about the recall on the Wii Remotes today. I think it's ridiculous. If you're going to be rough and abuse your remote or aren't going to heed the warnings the system gives to make sure your area is clear of obstacles and that you are WEARING THE STRAP PROPERLY then I don't think Nintendo should grant you a new remote free of charge. Go out and buy your own damn replacement. It's not the manufacturer's fault - it's the fault of the gamer.
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